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Use the Invoices/Expenses page to view, create and edit expense and matter records.

Expenses are the internal costs of doing business at your organization. Typically, these are the costs of the merchandise bought and the costs of the services received.

For example, when you purchase office supplies, or spend money on transportation, or meals while conducting your business, you can:

Post expenses against the respective accounts

Track expenses by certain matters and by specific vendors

Expenses can be matter-specific, meaning that they are associated with a particular matter, or global, meaning that they are not associated with matters.

Expenses that are assigned to the Matter Cost:Internal Expenses category can be posted against the Internal Expenses account record, which is created automatically for each matter record. If your organization budgets according to other types of expenses, you will need to know what category to use in order to post expenses to the correct account.

Expenses Section Field Descriptions

The table below contains the default fields for the Expenses section on the Invoices/Expenses page. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.