Use the Financials page to access invoices and contacts that are related to a matter.
1.Search for a matter and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Financials link. The General page opens.
3.In the Invoices section, select one or more of the following options: oTo access the related invoice, in the Number column, click the appropriate invoice number. The invoice opens to its General page. oTo access the contact record associated with this invoice, in the Vendor column, click the appropriate link. The contact record opens to its General page. For information about the fields in the Invoices section, see the Invoices Section Fields table.
Invoices Section Field Descriptions
The table below contains the default fields for the Invoices section on the Financials page. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.
Field or Control
Invoice Number
The number assigned to this invoice. You can click this link to access the original invoice.
The type of invoice.
In addition to the typical Standard invoice, the following options are available:
•Credit Note—A legal instrument that corrects a Non-US Tax invoice. •Accrual—An estimate of an upcoming bill. |
The name of the contact who is billing for this service. You can click on this link to access the vendor's contact record.
The current status of the invoice.
Total Amount
The total of all line items on this invoice. Click the link in the Invoice Number column to view the line items on this invoice.