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Matters let you organize, compile, and manage the details of an incident or event--from the beginning to its conclusion. Details may include information about the people involved in the incident, all relevant dates, tasks that must be completed, users and specialists assigned to the matter, and all related documents.

The following matter types are available in TeamConnect Legal:

Advice and Counsel—Manage requests for recommendations or other legal advice, whether internal to your organization or relating to specific Dispute or Transaction matters.

Disputes—Track any type of adversarial legal matter, formal litigations, and informal disputes.

Transactions—Manage business law matters. A transaction matter record contains common information applicable to all types of business law matters, from contracts to intellectual property matters, and adds additional information according to the category that applies to the transaction.

Pages Common to all Matters

All matter records have the following pages on which you can view and edit information:

General—View, enter, or edit general information about a matter, such as name and number of the matter, type, description, and its current phase. You may also see additional blocks of fields that are displayed when you assign certain categories to the Dispute matter.

Involved/Assignees—View or assign TeamConnect Legal users to a matter. You can also assign Involved parties to a matter, such as outside counsel. Involved parties can be any contact. For Advice and Counsel matters, this page is called Assignees because Advice and Counsel matters do not use Involved parties.

Documents—Manage documents that are related to a matter.

Activities—Manage appointments and tasks that apply to a matter.

Dispute and Transaction Matters

In addition to the pages listed above, Dispute and Transaction matters have the following pages on which you can view and edit information. Advice and Counsel matters do not have these pages.



Cost Centers




Related Advice

Related Matters

There are also pages specific to Dispute and Transaction matters. See Working with Matters for more information.