Advice and counsel matters let you to enter and track recommendations, questions, or other legal advice. Advice and counsel matters cover a wide variety of legal content, but contain few data entry fields. You can create and store a knowledge bank of previous research, which allows your legal staff to re-use information to shorten response times and increase efficiency.
If necessary, an Advice and Counsel matter record may be created when advice is given about an existing Dispute or Transaction matter, and then linked to the related record for reference.
Advice and Counsel matters have the following pages on which you can view and edit information:
•General—View, enter and edit general information about the matter, such as its name, action type, whether or not follow-up is needed, notes, and access information. There is also a Topic field that lets you select the category that applies to this matter. See Creating or Editing Matters for more information.
•Assignees—View or edit the users who are assigned to the matter and their roles in the matter. See Assigning Matters for more information.
•Documents—View or add documents that apply to the selected matter. See Documents for more information.
•Activities—Create or edit appointments and tasks for a selected Advice and Counsel matter. See Scheduling Matter Appointments or Tasks for more information.
•Related Advice—View, add, or edit Advice and Counsel matters that are related to Dispute or transaction matters. If necessary, you can also use this page to create a new Advice and Counsel matter and relate it to a Dispute or Transaction matter. See Managing Related Advice and Counsel Matters for more information.
You cannot assign a category to Advice and Counsel matters. Instead, the General page contains a Topic list that contains categories that apply to Advice and Counsel matters. Based on the topic that you select, additional fields may appear in a separate block on the General page. This block may contain required fields that you must complete before you can save the matter.
For example, many of the available topics are employment topics. These topics, such as Disability, Harassment, and Discrimination, are grouped together in a hierarchical drop-down list under Employment. Once you select a topic, such as Harassment, return to the General page to see if any required fields appeared that are related to Harassment and must be completed to save the record.
See Dispute and Transaction Matters for more information.