You can perform the following tasks when you are working with users.
•Searching for Users—Search for a user to view or edit.
•Viewing Users—View a list of users or open an individual user.
•Creating or Editing Users—Add a user or edit a user's information.
•Deleting a User—Delete a user.
•Creating or Editing Users—Add a user or edit a user's information.
•Activating and Inactivating a User—Activate or inactivate a user.
•Prompting Users to Change Their Passwords—Set a prompt for a users to change their password on application login.
•Editing or Viewing a User's Preferences—Edit or view a user's preferences.
•Unlocking User Accounts—Unlock user accounts that have been locked due to unauthorized access attempts or incorrect passwords.
•Changing a User's Group Membership—Add a user to a group or remove a user from a group.
•Assigning or Viewing User System Rights—Assign or view rights to work with records, application areas, and application features.
•Assigning or Viewing User Category Rights—Assign category and custom field rights to a user.
•Assigning or Viewing User Tool Rights—Assign rights to work with system and custom tools.
•Viewing or Creating User History—Create or view notes about changes to a user.