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From a user account's System Rights page, you can do the following:

(For users created in TeamConnect version 2.x or earlier) Assign and view rights to records, application areas, and application features at the user account level.

In addition, view rights to records, application areas, and application features inherited from the users' member group(s).

(For users created in TeamConnect 3.x) View rights to records, application areas, and application features inherited from the users' member group(s). For these users, you cannot assign or manage record rights at the user level. You must edit a member group's record rights. For more information, see Assigning or Viewing Group System Rights.

(For users created in TeamConnect 2.5 SP4 or earlier) You can assign rights that apply:

Globally—If you expect to enable rights across multiple record types or multiple application areas, work with these types of rights to save time. Global rights are organized into three groups: User rights, Admin rights, and Setup rights.

For example, if you select the View drop-down list, User Rights option then the resulting page you can assign rights to view all contact records, view all document records, view all project records, etc., with one button click.


Individually—If you expect to enable rights for a limited number of record types (for example, allow access to a couple record types), work with these types of rights.

For example, if you select the View drop-down list, Contacts option then from the resulting page you can assign more granular level rights such as View Contact records, Edit Contact records, Create Contact records.

User Record - System Rights Page for Contact Rights (Edit Mode for Users Created in TeamConnect 2.5 SP4 or Earlier)

User Record - System Rights Page for Contact Rights (Edit Mode for Users Created in TeamConnect 2.5 SP4 or Earlier)

Note: In the screenshot above, the check-boxes under the Group column are read-only.

Rights are cumulative. If a user has rights assigned at the user-account level and rights inherited from member groups, the user's rights are the sum of user rights and member group rights. If a user is a member of multiple groups then the user inherits all rights assigned to all groups.

If you assign global rights to a user and later add a custom object (record type), category, or custom fields, it is recommended to manually grant access rights to the new object, category, or custom fields.

User System Rights Page Field Descriptions

Field descriptions for specific records or areas are described in:

Rights for End-users

Rights for Administrators

Rights for Solution Developers