From a group's System Rights page, you can assign or view rights to work with records, application areas, and application features.
You can assign or view rights that apply:
•Globally—If you expect to enable rights across multiple record types or multiple application areas, work with these types of rights to save time. Global rights are organized into three groups: User rights, Admin rights, and Setup rights.
For example, if you select the View drop-down list, User Rights option then the resulting page you can assign rights to view all contact records, view all document records, view all project records, etc., with one button click.
•Individually—If you expect to enable rights for a limited number of record types (for example, allow restricted access to a couple record types), work with these types of rights.
For example, if you select the View drop-down list, Contacts option then from the resulting page you can assign more granular level rights such as View Contact records, Edit Contact records, Create Contact records.

Sample Screen for Assigning Contact (Individual) Record Rights to a Group
Additional information about groups:
•New groups do not have any rights (record rights, category or custom fields rights, or tool rights) assigned by default.
•Rights are cumulative. If a user is a member of multiple groups then the user inherits all rights assigned to all groups.
•If you assign global rights to a group and later add a custom object (record type), category, or custom fields, it is recommended to manually grant access rights to the new object, category, or custom fields.
1.Search for a group and open it. 2.To change record rights, from the left navigation pane, click System Rights. From the View drop-down list, select a record type (for example, Contacts).
oTo assign a specific record or area right, select the check-box for the permission under the Group column. oTo unassign a specific record or area right, clear the check-box for the permission under the Group column. 3.Click a save option. |
Group System Rights Page Field Descriptions
Field descriptions for specific records or areas are described in:
•Rights for End-users
•Rights for Administrators
•Rights for Solution Developers
View drop-down list
A list of record types and application areas to which you can assign access rights, for example, system settings, object definitions, etc.
After selecting a list option, the workspace is updated with a list of rights specific to that option. For example, if you select Contacts, the rights list displays only rights for working with contact records.
(Available only in Edit view when a global rights option is selected from the View menu, such as User Rights, Admin Rights, or Setup Rights)
Displays both of the following per permission:
•Select—Enables all permissions for all child records under this rights group. •Unselect—Disables all permissions for all child records under this rights group. |
The available Permissions list items depends on the type of option selected from the View drop-down list.
•If a global rights option is selected from the View drop-down list (for example, User Rights, Admin Rights, Setup Rights), permissions include the following: View all record types—To grant search and read rights for records of this type, select the View all record types check-box.
Edit all record types—To grant rights to edit records of this type, select the Edit all record types check-box.
Create all record types—To grant rights to create records of this type, select the Create all record types check-box.
Delete all record types—To grant rights to delete records of this type, select the Delete all record types check-box.
Perform all other actions
Note: See Understanding Rights, Rights for End-users, Rights for Administrators, and Rights for Solution Developers.
•If an individual rights option is selected from the View drop-down list (for example, Contacts, Documents, etc.), permissions like the following are available: View Contact records
Edit Contact records
Create Contact records
Delete Contact records
View Contact all categories
Create Contact all categories
Delete Contact all categories
View Contact all custom fields
Edit Contact all custom fields
Note: The list above provides examples of permissions related to individual record types but is not all-inclusive.
(Available only when a global rights option is selected from the View menu, such as User Rights, Admin Rights, or Setup Rights)
Displays one of the following per permission:
•All rights selected—Indicates the permission was enabled globally. •Some rights selected—Indicates that permissions for the child record types were enabled individually, resulting in some permissions being disabled. •No rights selected—Indicates that no permissions for the child record types were enabled. |