Show/Hide Toolbars

When working with user or group records, the Save button on the upper left area of the page has a drop-down option that allows selection among four save options. The default setting for this option can be determined by administrators as outlined in Setting up the User Interface.

If you click or hover over the drop-down arrow, as shown at the right, the following choices for saving will appear:

Save & Close will save the record, then close the record's page and return you to the previous page you were working on.

Save will save the record but leave the record in edit mode.

Save & View will save the record, then present the record in view-only mode.

Save & New will save the record, then open a new record.

If the label on the Save button is already the choice you want, simply click the button. If not, click the drop-down arrow on the right edge of the button and make your choice from the list that is shown there.