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This chapter describes how to plan and set up users and groups of users for TeamConnect. A major consideration for organizing groups is determining which rights should be assigned. This chapter is organized by concepts you should understand before you can start the tasks of creating and configuring users and groups.

Note: Account administration in this chapter refers to setting up users and user groups. Account records related to finances are different.

Support staff might use some procedures under the Users section. For example, Activating and Inactivating a User.

Before You Begin

The TeamConnectAdmin user account is provided for you. Log into TeamConnect as this user for initial system and accounts setup. The TeamConnectAdmin user can create and administer contacts, users, groups, and system settings. For example, create contacts and user accounts for yourself and the solution developer who is going to customize TeamConnect for your organization.

The TeamConnectAdmin user has predefined rights that cannot be changed. The associated contact records do not represent real people, and cannot be changed or deleted. You cannot delete the TeamConnectAdmin user account.