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You need to create a user account for anyone who needs to log into TeamConnect. Each user account also requires an associated contact record. Some contacts, such as external vendors, will be created in TeamConnect but will not have corresponding user accounts.

Generally, user accounts will not be used to assign security rights unless the user was migrated from TeamConnect 2.x. For new user accounts, you can view

For more information on setting up rights, see Assigning or Viewing Group System Rights.

User Record Pages

The following are user-specific pages:

The General page lets you enter information about the user, such as User Name and Password. You can also manage a user's account from the General page, for example, activate or inactive an account and set an account expiration date.

The Group Memberships page lets you add a user to a group or remove a user from a group.

The System Rights page lets you assign or view rights to work with records, application areas, and application features.

The Category Rights page lets you assign or view rights to categories and custom fields by record type.

The Tool Rights page lets you assign or view rights to system tools and custom tools.

The History page is also associated with a user. The History page lets you add notes about changes to the user or review previous history notes.