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There are three general ways to provide access to information and functionality in TeamConnect:

Assigning rights

Setting user type

Assigning object views

This section includes conceptual information for understanding common traits of TeamConnect rights.

Using this Section

Read Understanding Rights to get an overview of how rights work in TeamConnect. Review the examples provided to apply the concepts to scenarios you might use.

Use specific procedures to navigate to application pages for assigning rights. For example:

oAssigning or Viewing Group System Rights

oAssigning Group Category and Custom Field Rights

oAssigning Group Tool Rights

Refer to the appendixes for detailed descriptions of available rights. For example:

oRights for End-users

oRights for Administrators

oRights for Solution Developers

For more information, see Creating or Editing Users, Changing Group Default Object Views.

Types of Rights

Rights are used to assign access to view and work with:


Categories, custom fields, custom blocks, forms

TeamConnect features or areas


Rights are also divided into three groups:

Rights for End-users—Majority of these rights affect viewing and working with records, categories, and custom fields. This group also includes rights to areas, such as Preferences.

Rights for Administrators—These rights affect viewing and working with user and group accounts, the Admin Settings area, and logs.

Rights for Solution Developers—These rights affect customizing and managing Custom Tools, Global Navigation toolbar, Home Pages, Lookup Tables, Miscellaneous Settings, Object Definitions, Portal Panes, Routes, and viewing and working with System Settings (from the Designer area of the application).