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Before creating a user, search existing users to make sure you do not create a duplicate. Users intending to create user accounts must have View and Edit rights for the Contact, User, and Preferences object to successfully complete the task.
Note: If you are editing an existing user in a way that affects their access rights to records or other features, and that user is presently logged in, some of your changes might not take effect until that user ends their session and then logs back in.
To create a new user, you enter information similar to the following image.
Creating a New User
1.Click the Admin tab. 2.Click the Users link under the tab bar. 3.Click the New button. 4.Select an Authentication Type. 5.Enter a User Name. Maximum length: 50 characters. User names cannot contain spaces or more than one @ character. 6.Enter the user's Password. Maximum length: 250 characters. Restrictions are based on the Password Parameters on the Security page of Admin Settings. 7.Retype or copy the password into the Confirm Password field. 8.Click the 9.Select a User Type from the drop-down list. oSuper—Can access all public and private records, as long as the user has group rights to those records. oNormal—Can access all public records. Can access private records only if record-level security is granted to the user. oLimited-privilege—Can access only records created by the user and records to which they have been granted explicit access by another user. Limited-privilege users will only see records to which they are assigned unless they are specifically assigned rights at the record level. If you need to allow limited-privilege users to perform tasks not normally available to them, such as the ability to approve an invoice, there must be a rule written that gives them record level rights to the invoice so that they can see and approve it. 10.Select the Account is active check-box. 11.Click a save option. Note: If your licensing scheme specifies a limit on the number of named active users, and the user you are saving is active and would exceed the limit, you will see an error message. You can retain the user's information by clearing the Account is Active check-box, then trying the save again. For details about licensing schemes, see Viewing Information About Your Product License. Note: Newly added users will be temporarily unable to see data on reports that are run from the Reports tab. This is because Data Warehouse does not yet have the new user's information and cannot determine their security rights. This situation will resolve itself when the next Data Warehouse refresh job runs. |