1.Click the Admin tab. 2.Click the Users link under the tab bar. 3.(optional) From the left pane, select a User collection: oRecently Viewed—Displays the last 50 users that you opened. You cannot delete this collection link, change its order. It is always the first collection listed in the left pane. oSuper Users—Displays users whose User Type is Super, which typically means they have more security rights than Normal users. oLimited-Privilege Users—Displays users whose User Type is Limited-Privilege. oAll Users oNormal Users—Displays users whose User Type is Normal. oInactive Users—Displays users with inactive accounts. oActive Users—Displays users with active accounts. oNew Users—Displays users that have been created within the current session. The results of this collection are sorted alphabetically. 4.To open a user account, from the right pane, click a user's associated contact name link. |