1.Search for a group and open it. 2.From the left navigation pane, click System Rights. 3.From the View drop-down list, select User Rights. To assign rights, do one of more of the following: oTo assign view rights to all records from the User application area, associated categories and custom fields, associated pages for the records (such as Security), click Select next to the View All Records Permission. oTo assign edit rights to all records from the User application area, associated categories and custom fields, associated pages for the records (such as Security), click Select next to the Edit All Records Permission. oTo assign create rights to all records from the User application area, associated categories and custom fields, associated pages for the records (such as Security), click Select next to the Create All Records Permission. oTo assign delete rights to all records from the User application area, associated categories and custom fields, associated pages for the records (such as Security), click Select next to the Delete All Records Permission. oTo assign mass edit rights to all records from the User application area, associated categories and custom fields, associated pages for the records (such as Security), click Select next to the Mass Edit All Records Permission. oTo assign any remaining rights to all records from the User application area, associated categories and custom fields, associated pages for the records (such as Security), click Select next to the Perform other actions Permission. 4.If you are viewing currently assigned rights, the status displays under the Group column. For more information, see Group System Rights Page Field Descriptions. 5.Click a save option. |