Group accounts are used to organize users who need similar security rights. In this version of TeamConnect, rights are configured for groups and not for users.
There are six group-specific pages:
•The General page lets you enter information about the group, such as Description and ID.
•The Users page lets you add users to a group or remove users from a group.
•The System Rights page lets you view rights to work with records, application areas, and application features
•The Category Rights page lets you view rights to categories and custom fields by record type.
•The Tool Rights page lets you view rights to system tools and custom tools.
•The Object Views page lets you view the default object views for a group.
Additional pages associated with a group include:
•The History page lets you add notes about changes to the group or review previous history notes.
CSM comes with a default CSM Admin group:
User group |
Rights |
CSM Admin |
Members of the CSM Admin group have no Admin (access to the Admin tab), User, category, or Setup (access to the Designer area) rights. They have rights only to the following: •CSM Settings object and its embedded objects •Activity Code Authorization object •Expense Code Authorization object •Invoice Payment object •Payment Field Mapping object •Synchronization History object •Task Code Authorization object •Timekeeper object •Vendor object and its embedded objects •Vendor Timekeeper Classification Contact Mgmt object •Invoice Validation Rule Setting tool •Xml Worksheet tool |
Matter Management comes with five user groups with the following sets of pre-configured rights based on their job responsibilities within a legal department:
User group |
Rights |
Dispute Attorney |
Members of the Dispute Attorney group have no Admin rights (access to the Admin tab) or Setup rights (access to the Designer area). They have rights only to the following: •All User Rights Caution: "All User Rights" includes the Account object. •Dispute object, and its embedded objects •Advice & Counsel object •Cost Center object and its embedded object •Category rights to some Line Item categories •Time Entry Tool tool Note: The contact's default Category needs to be set to Internal (or the current Time Entry Setting, General tab, Timekeeper Category value). |
Legal Administrator |
Members of the Legal Administrator group have no Admin rights (access to the Admin tab) or Setup rights (access to the Designer area). They have rights only to the Dispute object, its related and embedded objects, and to the following: •All User Rights Caution: "All User Rights" includes the Account object. •Advice & Counsel object •Cost Center object and its embedded object •Dispute object and its embedded objects •Time Entry Setting object and its embedded objects •Time Period object •Transaction object and its embedded objects •Category rights to some Line Item categories •DeleteAllRecords tool •Import Design tool •Legal Preferences tool •Reassign Work tool •Time Entry Tool tool Note: The contact's default Category needs to be set to Internal (or the current Time Entry Setting, General tab, Timekeeper Category value). •Xml Worksheet tool |
Paralegal |
Members of the Paralegal group have no Admin rights (access to the Admin tab) or Setup rights (access to the Designer area). They have rights only to the following: •All User Rights Caution: "All User Rights" includes the Account object. •Dispute object and its embedded objects •Advice & Counsel object •Cost Center object and its embedded object •Transaction object, and its embedded objects •Category rights to some Line Item categories •Time Entry Tool tool Note: The contact's default Category needs to be set to Internal (or the current Time Entry Setting, General tab, Timekeeper Category value). |
Reporting |
Members of this group can view the Reports home page. This user group has no Admin, User, Category, Tool, or Setup rights. |
Transaction Attorney |
Members of the Transaction Attorney group have no Admin rights (access to the Admin tab) or Setup rights (access to the Designer area). They have rights only to the following: •All User Rights Caution: "All User Rights" includes the Account object. •Advice & Counsel object •Cost Center object and its embedded object •Transaction object, and its embedded objects •Category rights to some Line Item categories •Time Entry Tool tool Note: The contact's default Category needs to be set to Internal (or the current Time Entry Setting, General tab, Timekeeper Category value). |
For more information about configuring group accounts, see Creating or Editing Groups.
Because users should not alter TeamConnect's automated financial accounts, you should restrict user access to the Account object. Many rules and wizards depend on the standard configuration.