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Typically, when you are working with SOP Manager, the process is as follows:

1.If you are on the notification list, you will receive an email informing you that there are pending SOP records to process.

2.Click the SOP tab to see a general view of the status of SOP records and to access pending records. See Viewing the SOP Manager Main Page for more information.

3.Open each record and review it for accuracy. If necessary, in the left pane, click the General link to add user comments and review the system log, and then click the Details tab to add contact information. See Viewing or Editing SOP General Information or Viewing or Editing SOP Details for more information.

4.Review the Retrieval Log for retrieval details and error details if necessary. See Viewing the Retrieval Logs for more information.

5.If necessary, contact your RA to re-send inaccurate records.

6.Change the phase of a record to move it along in the process or to create a TeamConnect matter. See Changing the Phase of an SOP Record or Creating a TeamConnect Matter.

The process may also include:

Regularly reviewing and updating records.

Periodically performing a checksum to ensure that you received all of the appropriate records from your RA. See Performing a Checksum for more information.

Creating an SOP record manually for documents that were manually delivered. See Creating an SOP Record Manually for more information.

Retrieving an SOP record manually. See Retrieving SOP Records Manually for more information.