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Service of Process (SOP) is the legal method of notifying a person or company when there is a legal action filed against them. Usually, notification is furnished by delivering a set of court documents to the party being served.

A Registered Agent (RA) is a company that is authorized to accept service of court documents on behalf of the party being served. It is then up to the RA to make sure that the party being served receives the court documents in a timely manner.

Service of Process Manager (SOP Manager) retrieves SOP records automatically from your RA based on a retrieval schedule. When the retrieval is performed, SOP records are automatically created in TeamConnect. You can also manually retrieve records that experienced a retrieval error and, if necessary, create a record manually.

Additionally, SOP Manager allows you to use an SOP record to create a TeamConnect matter by simply changing the phase of the SOP record. The fields that are populated in the new matter are based on a field mapping that is created by your SOP administrator during the initial installation and configuration of SOP Manager.

SOP Manager currently supports the following RAs:

Service of Process – CSC

Corporation Service Company®

Service of Process – CT

CT a Wolters Kluwer business©

SOP-specific Pages

Each SOP record has the following pages that you can use to view and edit information:

General—Displays general information about the SOP record, including the name and current phase of the SOP record, information about the nature of the action and the way that the process was served.

Details—Displays detailed information about the key dates, delivery, document sender, court, and case information.

Documents—Contains the scanned documents that are attached to the SOP record, including the source XML file.

Relations—Displays relationships between SOP records.

User Rights

You must be a member of the SOP Process Manager Group to perform SOP tasks. See the SOP Manager Administration Guide for more information.

SOP Settings

If you have the appropriate rights, you can also configure the following SOP settings:

Connection Settings—Configure the network connection between the Registered Agent and SOP Manager. If you use more than one RA, you must configure a network connection for each one.

Synchronization Settings—Set how often you want to retrieve SOP records from your RA.

Notifications—Send a notice to specified email addresses whenever new SOP records are retrieved or if an error occurs.

See the SOP Manager Administration Help for more information.