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Use the SOP Manager main page as a starting point to view pending SOP records and retrieval logs, and determine whether synchronization is running or stopped.

You can also use the SOP tab and the All tab to access SOP records.


By default, each main page includes three portal panes:

<RA name> SOPs

<RA name> Retrieval Logs

Pending SOPs

<RA name> SOPs Pane

This pane contains the following fields:

Number of Pending SOPs—Displays the number of records that are currently in Intake phase. This number includes records retrieved from your RA and manually created records.

Number of SOPs created without errors—Displays the number of SOP records that were successfully retrieved or created that did not contain any errors.

Number of SOPs created with errors—The number of SOP records were successfully retrieved or created that contain minor errors. The error details are available in the Retrieval Log. See Viewing the Retrieval Logs for more information.

Synchronization Status—Indicates the status of the retrieval process as follows:

oStopped—The system is not available to retrieve SOP records. Details may be available the Retrieval Log.

oRunning—The system is retrieving SOP records.

oSleeping—The synchronization status is Started, but all SOPs have been downloaded from your RA and the system is in "wait" mode. At the next retrieval time, the status changes to Started and SOPs begin downloading.

<RA name> Retrieval Logs Pane

View and access summary information about SOP records retrieved with or without errors and the number of failed records per retrieval. To open a retrieval log, click a link in the Last Retrieval Time column. See Viewing the Retrieval Logs for more information.

The Pending SOPs Pane

View and access pending SOP records that you have the rights to view. By default, Pending records are in the Intake phase. To open a pending SOP record, click a link in the Title of Action column. Once you open a pending SOP record, you can view information on its additional pages and change its phase. See Processing SOP Records for more information.