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There are two types of SOP records:

System retrieved—SOP data that is retrieved electronically from your RA service which provide detailed information about the Service of Process, including the title of the action, important due dates, and how the court documents were served. The record may also include scanned documents and the associated data feed from the RA.

These records cannot be edited, except to add a user comment, complete contact fields, or relate it to another record.

Manually created—Records that are created manually using documents that are delivered by hand or by mail. These records are fully editable. Once you save a manual record, you process it the same way you process system retrieved records.

Note: The only way to distinguish between system retrieved and manually created records is to open the record, and then click the Edit button. If the record was created manually, you can enter or change the information on any page.


You can perform the following tasks when working with SOP records:

Searching for Existing SOP Records

Viewing the SOP Manager Main Page

Viewing SOP Records

Viewing or Editing SOP General Information

Viewing or Editing SOP Details

Viewing Documents that are Attached to SOP Records

Relating SOP Records