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Use the Connection page to perform a checksum to verify that the number of SOP records retrieved from the RA during the previous 30 days matches the number of unique SOP records found in TeamConnect during the same time period.

Checksum confirms information for records received from your RA only. The results do not include manually created SOP records.

It is recommended that you routinely perform a checksum to ensure that you retrieved all of the necessary SOP records from your RA.

Note: To ensure accuracy, it is recommended that you perform a checksum when the synchronization status is Running. You can confirm the synchronization status in the Synchronization Status field on the main page.

Manual Deletion Affects Checksum Results

If you manually delete an SOP record that was retrieved from your RA, your checksum results will be inaccurate. For example:

During a specified time period, you successfully retrieve 30 records from your RA service. After you receive the records, you manually delete two of the retrieved records.

When you receive an invoice from your RA, you run a checksum to reconcile the figures. The checksum results show that the number of SOP records sent by the RA is 30, but the number of retrieved SOP records in TeamConnect is 28. This discrepancy occurs because the deleted records are no longer in the system and TeamConnect does not include them in the count. In this case, the RA count is correct because you actually received 30 records from your RA.

To keep an accurate checksum record, it is recommended that you change the phase of an SOP record to Closed instead of deleting it.

Checksum results display the following information:


oThe date and time the checksum was performed

oThe number of records reported served by the RA in the last 30 days

oThe number of SOP records created in TeamConnect in the last 30 days

For CT

oThe start date and end date of the checksum

oThe number of records reported by CT for this period

oThe number of records found in TeamConnect with a Created Date within the same period. The Created Date information is available on the Details tab of an SOP record

If the number reported by your RA and the number found in TeamConnect are different, check the Retrieval Logs, and then contact your RA to resolve the discrepancy.