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This term can refer to the system object definition called Account, that can be used for tracking various amounts of money allocated for specific purposes.

It can also refer to the TeamConnect records that store the User and Group information, such as name, password, rights and so on. User and Group Accounts can be accessed only by the designated users, such as TeamConnect administrators, on the Admin tab.


There are two types of actions in TeamConnect—wizard actions and rule actions.

A wizard page action is an action that is triggered by a page transition in a Wizard. For example, when a user is creating a Record using a wizard, the wizard can do one of the following actions:

Populate a field in the record with a specified value.

Execute a Java class file, which can create another record, do a calculation, or do another task automatically.

For more details about wizard actions, see Creating Custom Pages.

A rule action is an action that TeamConnect performs when a Rule is triggered in TeamConnect. Depending on the type of rule, the action that the rule executes could be the following:

Deny the user the ability to do an operation, such as delete, post, void, update, or create a Record, and display a message to the user.

Allow the user to do one of the operations above (in other words, do nothing).

Send the record into a Route of users who can approve or reject the operation attempted by the user.

Do Custom Actions specified in a JavaScript or Java class file, such as create a record or interact with an outside application (such as Microsoft Exchange).

For more details about rule actions, see the Rule Actions.

Admin Rights

These are rights that control access to all features in TeamConnect that can be accessed by the Admin tab in the user interface. These include object definition, lookup tables, routes, home pages, system settings, and so on.

Administrator (TeamConnectAdmin User)

A user whose job responsibilities include creating or maintaining user and group accounts, specifying the appropriate system settings for the organization, creating and/or maintaining system-wide Home Pages and Portal Panes, and making minor changes to the system design if necessary. These responsibilities are reflected by the Admin Rights assigned to this user accordingly.


Application Program Interface, a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications.

TeamConnect's API can be used for customizing TeamConnect. You can use the API for purposes such as creating Java rules, integration with other systems, and enhancing the capabilities of various areas of TeamConnect, such as Home Pages.

API Rule

See Custom Action.


A definition of a system or audit log. Appenders can be of various types, including SMTP, socket and file. File appenders are the most commonly used, as the logging statements are simply captured in a file. A log can be a general TeamConnect log, or it can be associated with a specific logger, so that it captures messages only from a certain TeamConnect area, such as portal panes or custom blocks.


A small utility written in Java. In TeamConnect, applets can be used for the document screen interface. If applets are enabled on the system, users can enable them for their own use on the Preferences tab of the Preferences screen.


A term used in the previous versions of TeamConnect to refer to Custom Objects, namely, the objects that are created for your organization.

For more details on custom objects, see Creating Custom Pages.


A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to track their scheduled events, engagements, or meetings. Appointments are automatically available as a system Block in Object Views for Custom Objects.


The approval process is the major component of TeamConnect Workflow. Authorization from one or more designated users (known as approvers), which is required for certain actions that are attempted by other users. For example, deleting a matter, posting an invoice, or changing the phase of a matter could require approval and therefore trigger an approval process. When users trigger an approval process, they are considered requestors in the approval process. Users' attempted actions are completed upon their final approval.

Approval Rule

A type of TeamConnect rule, that allows you to define Conditions that when an action requiring an Approval is attempted by a user, it is automatically routed to the designated Approvers. The approval process is defined with the use of a Route.


Designated Users who have the authority to approve or reject certain actions attempted by other users who do not have the permission to complete these actions. There can be several approvers at each level of the Approval process. This approval level is also known as an approval Stop, which is a component of a Route. During an approval process, approvers may be able to send the approval request to reviewers for review before they make their decision. Approvers can view their approval requests on the My Approvals screen.


TeamConnect Users who are assigned to one or more Projects or Tasks. There can be one or several users assigned to a project. In projects each assignee can have a different role, such as attorney, agent, appraiser, paralegal, and so on. Typically, the main assignee is in charge of the whole project, whereas the rest of the assigned users are responsible for certain parts of the project. Tasks can have only one current assignee.


TeamConnect Users and members of Contact Groups (Address Books) who are expected to take part in an event, such as a meeting or conference call, for which there is an Appointment scheduled. Designer contact groups are called Address Books in the end-user interface.


Building blocks of Objects, which represent data entered by end users. Attributes correspond to columns within tables in the database.

For example, every Custom Object consists of over a dozen attributes, all of which are listed in the main database table for that object: mainAssignee, createdOn, CreatedBy, ClosedOn, defaultCategory, and so on. The corresponding collection of data constitutes an object record.

You use attributes to identify their corresponding fields when working in various areas of TeamConnect, such as Search Views, Rules, and Wizards. To navigate through selecting the necessary attributes, you can use a tool called Object Navigator. For details, see Using Object Navigator.

Automated Action

An action performed when a rule is triggered that is driven by a Javascript or Java class file. For example, a related Record can be automatically created when the rule is triggered. For more details, see Writing Automated Actions.

Audit Settings

Settings for tracking the actions of users—which screens they access, which selections they make in the screens they visit, when they log in and log out, and other actions.


Batch Screen

A type of tab or section in a tab of a record screen where certain multiple data items of the Record can be entered and viewed as a single list, all in one screen. In the object model, items added to a record with batch screens are considered Sub-objects, and are usually represented by J-tables.

An example of a batch screen in the administrative user interface can be the Custom Fields tab in object definitions.


A group of system and/or custom fields included into a single file, XML (for custom blocks) or JSP (for system blocks). In the end-user interface, each block is typically displayed as a separate tab or a section on the record screen.

TeamConnect Object Views provided by Mitratech consist of system blocks, such as General, Categories, Workflow, Assignees, Attendees, and so on. You can also create your own Custom Blocks using Custom Fields.

Business Objects

Representations of the nature and behavior of real world things or concepts in terms that are meaningful to the business. Customers, products, orders, employees, trades, invoices, payments, appointments, accounts, shipping containers and vehicles are all examples of real-world concepts or things that could be represented by Business Objects.

There are System Objects and Custom Objects in TeamConnect.



A special high-speed storage mechanism. The TeamConnect application server has its own user interface caching mechanism to store the screen designs and other user interface data accessed by the application. You can clear the TeamConnect user interface Cache by either re-starting the application server or by clicking Clear Cache in the User Interface Settings screen of the System Settings on the Admin tab.

Browsers have their own memory caching mechanisms that can be cleared by closing the browser.


A special search results display type available in for search views only in the Appointment object definition. It displays scheduled appointments in a day planner layout.

Cascading Security

The transferring of parent projects' record-level security, automatically in a waterfall fashion, to their related records. This is done on the Security tab of only custom object definitions.


Lookup items that allow you to organize custom fields into blocks or sections on the screen for the end-user interface. By adding or deleting categories in a record, the end users display or hide respectively the associated blocks of details in that record. Categories also help users to organize their records by certain types, for example, employee contact records vs. non-employee contact records, domestic vs. international accounts, and so on.

You must specify categories when defining the following:

Custom Fields


Access to object records at the category level

Category Rights

See Category Security.

Category Security

The Rights to the object's categories and their custom fields. This is the second level of security, after the object level. All rights assigned at this level take effect only if the access to the object itself is granted.

Category-level rights add more granularity to the object-level rights. A user might have access to the object, but you can still control access to the organization-specific information stored in the custom fields and displayed in custom blocks.

Check In/Out

A way to manage files that are uploaded to the TeamConnect Documents area so that only one person at a time can edit them. If a file is checked out by a user, then no other users can edit the file. When the user is finished editing, he or she then checks in the file, making it available to other users.


Hierarchical relations where one (parent) item can have multiple (child) items, whereas each child item can have only one parent. Typically, parent-child relations can be established between Custom Objects in their object definitions. For example, one Claim can have multiple Features, one Feature can have multiple Sub-features, and so on.

The term "parent" can be also used with reference to the custom object that has Embedded Objects defined for it.

Categories can also have parent-child relations.


A value that you select for a qualifier in a Rule. For example, a condition could be an assignee role, a phase, a number of days from when the Record was opened or closed, and so on. See also Attribute and Qualifier.


A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to create record for individuals, organizations or separate entities within a organization (such as departments) that deal with their organization. Contacts can be organized into various Contact Groups (Address Books).

Contact Group (Address Book)

A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to organize their Contact records together. Users can create groups of contacts with whom they frequently interact, so that their phone numbers are readily accessible when needed. The members of contact groups who are also Users can be added as attendees to appointments.

Contact Groups are called Address Books in the end-user interface.

Custom Action

An action performed by a rule in TeamConnect that is defined in a JavaScript or Java class file. Custom Actions can do a wide range of functions - anything that is possible with Java or Javascript.

Custom Fields

More custom fields that can be created for various objects. These fields allow you to meet the individual needs of your organization. Custom fields differ in each client installation of TeamConnect. When you create a custom field, you specify the label that appears in the user interface and what type of value the field holds (text, number, check box, and so on). You can create custom fields for type of object, system or custom.

Typically, you organize custom fields into Custom Blocks so that you can specify which groups of users can view them.

Custom Object

Business Objects created for your organization. They do not come with the factory default TeamConnect, but are created by a TeamConnect Solution Developer using the object definition area of TeamConnect. Custom Objects can have names used within your industry for files, such as matters, claims, litigation, or policies.

The individual instances of Custom Objects are sometimes referred to as Projects within this documentation.

In TeamConnect 1.6.x, Custom Objects were referred to as "Applications."

For more details on custom objects, see Creating Custom Pages.

Custom View

See Object View.

Custom vs. System

In TeamConnect, various components are referred to as either system or custom. System means that the component is a default component of TeamConnect. Custom means that it is created for your organization. For example, objects, Blocks, fields can be system or custom.



An older TeamConnect feature providing a repository of data for reporting and analysis. This feature has been superseded by Data Warehouse.

Data Warehouse

An optional TeamConnect product. A repository of data gathered from operational data and other sources that is designed to serve a particular community of knowledge workers. In scope, the data derives from an enterprise-wide database, such as TeamConnect database, and meets your specific demands in terms of analysis, content, presentation, and ease-of-use. Typically, Data Warehouse is used for general reporting purposes.

If you are using Business Objects™ or other software to run reports and you want to include the information entered in a Custom Field for your reports, then you must make this selection when creating the custom field in an object definition.

Debug Settings

A tool that allows you to select whether you want TeamConnect to log various program operations.


A value or setting that TeamConnect is automatically selects if the user does not specify a substitute. For example, TeamConnect might select certain Categories as default categories for Records, or set one of a contact's addresses as default.

Likewise, the default directory (for example in documents) is the directory the operating system searches unless you specify a different directory.

The default can also be an action that the program takes. For example, a user who creates an appointment is automatically (or by default) added as an attendee for this appointment.


A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to manage files uploaded to the Documents area of TeamConnect. These can be plain text, Microsoft Word, Excel, PDF, image (JPEG, GIF, BMP), HTML, XML, and so on. They are usually attached to TeamConnect Records.

Documents are automatically available as a system Block in all Object Views.

Many files necessary for customization of TeamConnect are also uploaded as Documents. These include XML files for Custom Blocks, Custom Actions for Java Rules, files included in Templates, and other files related to your customized system design.

Document Type

File type. For example, Microsoft Word document (DOC), text file (TXT), or JPEG image (JPG). When uploading files into the Documents area of TeamConnect, you specify the document type. TeamConnect then recognizes that file type and displays the appropriate icon.

As a solution developer, you can specify which file types TeamConnect is able to identify in the Documents area by adding them to the list of Document Types in the Document object definition.

Dynamic Value

A value that is automatically generated based on a value that is entered or selected in another field, as opposed to a Static Value. Dynamic values are often used in TeamConnect Templates, Wizards, Unique IDs and names for custom object Records.



This term is sometimes used to refer to Objects in TeamConnect.

End User

The final or ultimate User of the system. The end user is the individual who uses TeamConnect after it has been fully developed and designed, by way of the user interface. This term is typically used when the distinction from the users with administrative rights needs to be emphasized. It usually implies an individual with a relatively low level of computer expertise. Unless you are a programmer, engineer, or solution developer, you are likely an end user.

Embedded Objects

Simplified Custom Objects created within other (parent/main) Custom Objects that can only exist within the context of the parent Custom Object. Within Wizards and Templates, embedded objects are considered to be Related Objects.


A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to track internal costs of doing business in their organization. Expenses are automatically available as a system Block in Object Views for Custom Objects.


Friendly Name

A label that you give to a TeamConnect component, such as a Custom Block, in the form of a text name instead of a code. Friendly names allow you to identify the component among the other components with which it is listed in the screen, so that you do not have to remember a unique code or a key that is automatically assigned by TeamConnect.

Full-Text Search

Allows you to search for items in the database according to their content. TeamConnect provides the feature of content searching in uploaded documents, and certain fields in Records, if Microsoft® SQL Server Full-Text Search or Oracle® Text (interMedia) is available on your database server. For example, using content searching, you could search the content of uploaded documents to find a file in which a certain person's name is mentioned. This feature is available in search screens if the appropriate fields are included in the corresponding Search View.

Functional Level Security

Discontinued term. Replaced by the concept of object-level Rights.



Refers to either Contact Groups (Address Books) or User Groups.

User groups are certain groups of users who have the same or similar responsibilities within the organization. Each User Group has its own set of access rights assigned to it. Groups can also have different Object Views.

Group Rights

The Rights to all features that can be accessed in the end user interface. These primarily include the rights to all System Object and Custom Object records, and certain Tools, such as Scheduler, Batch Task and Expense Entry. Rights are assigned by user group.



A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to make chronological entries always associated with a specific Record. History is a Related Object only; that is, History records can only exist when related to other records. History is automatically available as a system Block in Object Views.

Home Page

The first screen that users see after logging in to TeamConnect. Home Pages function as a starting point for all TeamConnect users and can be personalized to fit their individual needs. Users can access various types of information or do different actions from Portal Panes that are available on the Home Page.



A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to track invoices or bills sent by Vendors who provide their organization with goods or services. Invoices are automatically available as a system Block in Object Views for Custom Objects.


A System Object definition that is always related to a Custom Object. It is intended to allow end Users to keep track of various involved parties associated with a Project. Involved is automatically available as a system Block in Object Views for Custom Objects.


Line Item

A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to list the goods or services specified in a vendor Invoice. The details of each line item, such as the type (fee or expense), price, quantity, and dates must be entered in the Line Items screen of the corresponding invoice. Line Items are automatically available as a system Block in Object Views for Custom Objects.


A component for a specific area of TeamConnect for which a system or audit log can be defined. For example, TeamConnect has loggers for portal panes, custom blocks, the XML layer, and user login/sign off. When you define a log (or appender), you select which logger's messages it captures.

Lookup Table

Tables that organize, store and quickly access multiple items, such as contacts' roles, types of addresses, phone, fax and other contact information, and so on. In addition to adding, renaming, inactivating, and deleting items in system lookup tables, you can define new custom lookup tables and their contents. In the end-user interface, lookup tables are represented by either drop-down lists (most commonly) or radio buttons, where the user can look up the necessary information and make the appropriate selection.



This term can refer to the following:

Group members are Users who are included in a group, from which they can obtain rights to various objects and tools in TeamConnect.

Route members are users who are included in the Approval process in an Approval Rule.

Contact Group (Address Book) members are contacts that are included in a user's personal Contact Groups.

Memo Text

A type of text field in TeamConnect in which you can type free-form text of a length up to what your database permits.



Different levels in the Lookup Table tree structures that have their own sub-levels.

Null Value

An empty or blank value in a field. For example, a field has a null value if the user has not entered anything into the field. It is important to understand this term when writing rules because the Rules screen sometimes indicates that there is a null value selected in a qualifier by displaying (null). The allowNullValue tag can also be used for custom fields of type Drop-down List.



Within this documentation, it is the same as Business Object.

This term also overlaps the object-oriented programming terminology, where an object is defined as a self-contained entity that consists of both data and procedures to manipulate the data.

Object Attribute

See Attribute.

Object Definition

A specification of all properties of a System Object or Custom Object. After fully defined, it can contain all details regarding the object, from its name, icon, categories, and custom fields, to the way its record and search screens look, wizards that can be used for creating its Records, naming and numbering patterns for (custom object) records, and rules that are triggered when users are working with the object records.

Object-Level Security

See System Record Rights and Custom Record Rights.

Object Model

The architecture in which data exists in TeamConnect. In the user interface, it is represented in the form of tables that hold information about objects and Records in the form of Attributes. Object Navigator allows you to navigate through these tables to select attributes when you are creating Rules, Wizards or Templates, or possibly when you are defining the naming convention of an object. The object model is fully documented in Object Model: Read This First and the additional reference tables it points the user to.

Object Navigator

A tool that allows you to traverse through the tables of the Object Model to select Attributes. This is necessary when creating rules, templates, wizards, and possibly when defining the naming convention of an object. Using Object Navigator, you create a Path that identifies an Attribute. For details, see Using Object Navigator.

Object Table

A table in the Object Model that contains a list of Attributes belonging to a specific object.

Object View

A specific layout of tabs, sections, blocks, and other user interface elements on the screen that can be assigned to users or groups, which you can customize by adding/removing system and custom Blocks in the tabs as desired. In each object definition, several Object Views can be created so that different groups of users see the information that is relevant to them.


A specific action that allows you to manipulate and assign values to fields in templates and wizards. For example, set to value of path sets the value of a field to the value specified by the Path.



A wizard page component that allows you to add certain data items that you might need to use as qualifiers in rules when creating conditions for page transitions. You can also use parameter values to do certain Actions (or operations) on the object attributes. These data items are not stored in the TeamConnect database and can be added and used only within Wizards.


See Child.


A series of Attributes that is created using Object Navigator. A path is used to identify how to get to a specific attribute in a table of the Object Model. Paths can be used in Rules, Templates, Wizards, and in the naming patterns for object records.


Certain states of a Project. A specific sequence of phases and their transitions define the life cycle of the project. For example, a Litigation record might go through the following phases Suit Filed > Discovery > Depositions > Settlement > Arbitration >Trial > Closed. All Phases and their transitions are defined in the Custom Object definitions.

Portal Pane

A component of a Home Page, which represents a specialized menu that allows the end users to access different information or do specific tasks directly from the Home Page. includes one or more items of content.


System options that you can use to customize your TeamConnect to fit your individual needs and personal preferences. They are listed when you click the Preferences link in the user interface.

Primary Key

An automatically generated number that uniquely identifies the newly created item in the database.

Primary keys are rarely displayed in the record screens. However, they can be used when building paths with Object Navigator, for example in rule qualifiers, in custom object record names and unique identifiers, or when working with the XML layer.

Process Manager

A TeamConnect user who is responsible for monitoring approval processes that are sent to approvers by requestors. Process Managers receive notifications of approval requests when there is an error. They may also be notified when a request is rejected or expired. They can restart an approval process to resolve errors, rejections, or expirations, or reassign the task of approving a request to other users when necessary. They can also reject approval requests.


Is a generic term used to refer to an individual Record or instance of a Custom Object.



Rule qualifiers are criteria used to determine whether a user's attempted operation, such as deleting a Record, should be permitted. Qualifiers can include who the user is, the phase of the record, the number of days from when the record was closed, and countless other possibilities.

Search View qualifiers are Attributes used as criteria that a user can use to search for records, such as the name of the record, the record number, the phase of the record, the record's assignees, and countless other possibilities.

Quick Search

Search performed directly from a Search Module field by typing search criteria in the field and then clicking the Find icon. The formatting requirements for typing your criteria vary depending on whether the Search Module field is for a Project, Contact, User, or Account.


Read-only Access

Record-level security state in which the record cannot be modified as a result of the rights assigned to it or for workflow reasons, when the record is pending approval, and the approval rule prevents anyone from modifying the record. This relates to Record Security and not to the read-only display state.


An individual instance of a System Object or Custom Object in TeamConnect, created and accessed in the user interface. Note that Custom Object records are sometimes generically referred to as Projects.

Record Security

Access protection set at the level of individual object records. For example, you can make a Record Private or Public or you can grant or deny the rights to read, update, and delete a record to other Users or Groups. This level of security can be set only on the Security tabs of individual records in the end-user interface. This is the lowest level of access rights. All rights assigned at this level take effect only if the appropriate rights are assigned at the object level.


Denial of an Approval request to do a user-attempted operation by members of a Route. If the operation is rejected, this is noted on the Workflow tab of the Record.

Related Objects

Objects that are in one way or another are associated with other objects in TeamConnect, either using hierarchical relations (child-parent, Involved, Embedded Objects), or non-hierarchical relations established in Custom Fields of type Custom Object.


An attempted operation by a user that is not completed until it has been approved by the approvers in a specified approval route. A request can be tracked by the requestor, the approvers who receive the request, and possibly a Process Manager, if one is specified for that approval process.


A user who performs an action that triggers an approval process, such as posting an invoice, voiding an invoice, or changing the phase of a project (such as a matter). The request is sent to approvers according to the approval route that is defined for that workflow process. The requestor's request is approved or rejected by the approvers. Requestors can view the progress of their requests on the My Requests screen. They can also cancel a request if necessary.

Required Fields

Fields that must have a value entered in them because a Record cannot be saved. Depending on the end-user TeamConnect configuration, required field labels might be identified in the user interface in red (or other color different from the default text color), or other special formatting applied to the label text, such as bold or italics.

You can make Custom Fields required by specifying them as such when you create them. You can also make fields required only under certain conditions, with the use of Rules.


Resources are means and/or facilities necessary for conducting an event, for which an Appointment has been scheduled. For example, you might need to book a particular conference room or a projector.


A user who is asked by an approver to review an approval request. Reviewers are not approvers, so they do not approve or reject the request. They can provide feedback to the approver who makes a decision in the process. Reviewers can view their requests for review on the My Approvals screen.


Privileges or permissions to use information that taken together constitute security at different levels, object, category, and individual Record. In TeamConnect, access rights ensure that no record information can be read and/or compromised by unauthorized individuals. Typically, rights are assigned by the TeamConnect system Administrator to individual Users and/or Groups.


The top Category in the categories hierarchy tree. It is always automatically added to every record in TeamConnect. In Projects, this category has the same name as the object itself.


A defined hierarchy of users whose Approval is required to authorize a requested operation. It is an approval path that can consist of one or more nodes, called Stops, that can contain one or more Members who can approve or reject the operation. Routes are used for the Workflow purposes, to control the actions that take place in your business processes.


Business Workflow requirements that allow you to depend on TeamConnect to ensure that the proper processes, which are specific to your industry and organization, are maintained by users.

TeamConnect allows you to create rules that control whether the operations attempted by users are in accordance with your business processes. A rule is triggered when the operation is attempted, and the Qualifiers are checked to determine what should occur. For example, rules can ensure that certain Custom Fields are filled out if a particular Category is selected.

Approval rules postpone the operation until all members in the approval process, or Route, have approved the operation.

Rules written using Java class files or JavaScript can also perform Automated Actions when they are triggered.


Search Module

A special utility that allows the user to quickly search for a specific record and link it to the record with which you are currently working without leaving its screen. The Search Module is represented by a field with two icons, Find and Open, next to it.


Search Screen

A type of screen that appears whenever you are looking for a specific record. Search screens consist of two tabs: Filter and Results. In the user interface search screens can be displayed as separate screens, tabs, or sections of a tab. You can access these screens if you select a provided search option or if you click the Find Button_Find icon in record screens. You can define what types of search screens are available to users by creating Search Views.

Search Views

Specific sets of search Qualifiers and search results display settings that you can define in each object definition to allow end users to quickly find the necessary object Records and/or create quick reports. Typically, there are two default Search Views each object definition: Default and Advanced. However, you can create customized search views (such as My Tasks, Recent Invoices, and so on).


See Rights.

Security Rule

A type of TeamConnect rule that you can create to check the specified Qualifiers before allowing or denying the user's attempted operation. A security rule is based on the conditions in the Record when it was first opened by the user, so that the user cannot change the values of fields if he or she should not have permission. For more details on security rules, see Security Rules. See also Validation Rule.

Smart Search

A search utility located in the user interface. Smart Search allows users to search for specific record types or across All Records or All Projects. Users can enter a few consecutive characters from any record's name or number, select the type of record, and the system will figure out what to search by, name or number, and whether the characters come from the beginning, middle, or end.


Structured Query Language. Used for performing operations in a database, such as searching, adding values, and altering values.

Static Value

A value that the user manually enters or selects. Unlike Dynamic Values, static values are not based on the values in other fields. It is important to understand the difference when working with TeamConnect Templates, Wizards, Unique IDs and names for custom object Records.


An Approval node, or check-point in a Route within the TeamConnect Workflow. Each stop consists of a certain number of Approvers, whose authorization is required for a pending action. Each approval route might have several stops.


In end-user interface, it is an item that is typically added to an object Record using a Batch Screen. Different objects have different sub-objects. For example, the following items are all sub-objects: categories, task assignees, project assignees, project relations, contact relations, and the addresses, emails, skills, phone numbers and other items added to contact records.

In the TeamConnect object model, sub-objects are always represented by J-tables, such as JProjAssignee, JContRate, JApptAttendee, and so on. The only exception is categories that are always represented by the WObjdCategory object table.

Super User

A user who can access private and public Records regardless of the settings on the Security tab of these records, provided this user has the object-level Rights to these records.

System vs. Custom

In TeamConnect, various components are referred to as either system or custom. System means that the component is a predefined component that is installed with TeamConnect. Custom means that it is created for your organization. For example, objects, Blocks, and fields can be system or custom.

Each object definition in TeamConnect has its own system fields, organized into system blocks that are added to its system views. All system views are automatically set as default system-wide object views.

System Object

Default Business Objects provided by Mitratech to your organization. They represent business objects that are common to most business models regardless of the specific industry.

There are 13 system objects within TeamConnect: Account, Contact, Contact Groups (Address Books), Appointment, Expense, Invoice, Task, History, Document, Involved, User account, and Group account.

System Settings

Settings, such as password policy, user interface settings, and so on that affect the whole system. Typically available to TeamConnect Administrators.



A user interface element that appears at the top of all user and administrative record screens. When clicked each tab opens a new set of information from the record.

In the end-user interface, all tabs in object Records are defined using the Search Views in the object definitions. When you define tabs, you must add at least one Block in order for the tab to be displayed on the screen.


See Lookup Table, Object Table.


An instruction that is included in an HTML or XML file. The instruction is enclosed between the greater than (>) and less than symbols (<), also known as angled brackets. You use tags when creating Blocks, or Document Templates.

Tag Attribute

A value that modifies an HTML or XML tag. For example, if you want to specify that a number field is formatted to display as a dollar amount in a form, you would use the attribute format="DOLLAR".

For a list of available tag attributes for TeamConnect Blocks, see Using Tag Attributes section.


A System Object definition that is intended to allow end Users to track internal assignments that they have to do, usually while working on Projects, for example preparing reports, following up on cases, reviewing documentation, and so on. Tasks are automatically available as a system Block in Object Views for Custom Objects.


This term can refer to the following:

Document templates

Templates used with Wizards

Templates used with rules

Templates used with wizards and rules

A document template is a template designed for use with the Document Generator. You can use this capability to generate documents from Records using certain fields, such as the name of the contact associated with the record.

Templates used with wizards or rules define default values that should be automatically filled in for certain fields, Sub-objects, and Related Objects. For more details on templates, see Creating Custom Pages.


A utility that helps to automate an operation to decrease the time and effort that would be expended on a task, such as reassigning work in bulk to various Users. There are system tools that come by default with TeamConnect; however, it is also possible to create custom tools. For details about creating custom tools, see Creating Custom Tools.


Events or happenings in your business that change its financial position, such as buying supplies, paying bills, withdrawing money, or buying equipment. For example Expenses, Tasks, and Invoices and regular money withdrawals from and transfers between Accounts incur transactions against accounts.


The act of jumping from one table to another in Object Navigator. This is accomplished by selecting one of the Attributes that appears with an arrow next to it. Each time you traverse to another table, you add the selected attribute to the Path which you are creating to identify a field in TeamConnect.

Tree Position

The last branch in a lookup table hierarchy tree, represented by 4-character alphanumeric combination assigned to an item listed in a Lookup Table, a Category or an Assignee Role. Tree positions uniquely identify these items in TeamConnect database. They can include letters and numbers, but letters used in a tree position must be capitalized.

The full tree position path of each child lookup item includes the tree positions of all of its parents.


UBB code

Ultimate bulletin board code--a variation of HTML formatting tags that allows you to add functionality and styles to your messages.

Unique Code

A unique code that identifies a system or custom Object in the TeamConnect database. It consists of a 4-character, alphanumeric combination, and its letters must be capitalized. System objects have predefined unique codes, whereas custom objects must have unique codes defined when first created.

Phases have 4-character, alphanumeric combination assigned to them too, which are also knows as unique codes.

Unique ID

Identifies an individual custom object record. You must set unique IDs in the object definition of each custom object. For example, you can set the records to be automatically numbered by the system, or to be given a unique id based on a pattern of Attributes that are selected in the record.

Do not confuse the Unique ID for Custom Object records with the Unique Code of the Custom Object. Also, do not confuse it with naming patterns for Custom Object records.


An account created for a specific person who uses TeamConnect. Users can be members of Groups, and can have Rights assigned to them or from a group in which they are a member. Each user has their own password to log in to TeamConnect, which is first specified in their user account (accessible by the Administrator only) together with the username and rights.

User Interface

The graphical representation of TeamConnect on the computer screen, where the user can click buttons and hyperlinks, make selections from drop-down lists, enter text into fields, and so on. It is also referred to as the graphic user interface or GUI. The end-user interface in TeamConnect includes all available TeamConnect features, because end users do not typically have access to items in the Admin tab.

User-Invoked Actions

See Custom Actions.


Value Set

A group of attributes in a Sub-object which end users must always populate to make a valid sub-object entry. When creating Templates, you must make sure that you that all attributes from the sub-object's value set are defined. For more details on defining sub-objects in templates, see the Creating Custom Pages.

Validation Rule

A type of Rule in TeamConnect that you can create to check the specified Qualifiers before allowing or denying a user's attempted operation, such as creating or updating a Record. For more details on validation rules, see the Validation Rules. See also Security Rule.


Outside Contacts with whom your organization conducts business. These can be suppliers of goods or services, outside counsel, and so on.

Version Control

A method of tracking the edits made to a document that is uploaded to TeamConnect. Version control allows users to access previous versions of a document, and even revert the current version back to a previous version if needed. Version control must be activated by the TeamConnect Administrator.



A utility that you can create allows users to create object Records. A wizard guides the user through pages of questions and instructions, and, if you have a Template associated with the wizard, automatically enters values into the correct fields. A wizard can even do actions such as automatically creating related records, performing calculations, and other automated actions.


Workflow is a sequence of activities within an organization to produce a final outcome.

For example, in a financial setting, a request to delete an account might be automatically routed from a financial officer to accounting manager to accounting director for approval and back to the officer for processing.

At each stage in the workflow, one User or Group is responsible for a specific operation. After the operation is complete, TeamConnect ensures that the users responsible for the next operation are notified and receive the data they need to execute their stage of the process.