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Security rules prevent an operation (such as creating, updating, or deleting) from being completed under specified circumstances and based on the original values of the record when it was opened by the user. When the user tries to alter a record, if the original values match the qualifier specified in the rule, the rule prevents the operation and displays a message to the user.

Keep the following points in mind when working with security rules:

When a user attempts an operation, TeamConnect executes any applicable security rules before executing other types of rules.

Security rules compare the rule qualifier to the conditions of the record when the user first opened it, so they prevent a user from changing values in the record to get around the rule. Qualifiers such as isChanged, Item Deleted, Item Modified, or Item Added will not have any effect on the rule's actions, since the rule is checked before any changes have occurred.

Security rules do not provide field-level security. For example, you cannot specify that a certain field's value may not be changed. Security rules may only prevent the user from updating or deleting the entire record based on certain specific, pre-existing conditions in the record.

You may use security rules to control the Delete and Update operations for existing records belonging to any object, or for the Phase Change operation in a custom object. For a complete list of operations that may trigger security rules, see the Rule Triggers table.

You may define security rules for specific user accounts and user groups. For example, if the current user is not a member of the Adjusters group, that user cannot update the record while it is in a specified phase.