Pre-population rules may populate fields, sub-objects, or related objects with values predefined in a template, which you may access or create on the Templates tab of the object definition. Once you create a template, you may select it from the Action tab of your pre-population rule screen.
Note: In addition to pre-population rules, you may use templates with custom action rules and wizards.
With templates, you may create rules that:
•Populate fields of existing records
•Create a new record and populate its fields
•Create a related record for the current object, and populate its fields
•Populate assignees and attendees and specify the main assignee by role
•Perform phase changes
•Populate the default category of a record
•Specify the default category with a static value
The available triggers and qualifiers for pre-population rules are the same as validation rules. For a complete list of triggering operations, see the Rule Triggers table.
For information about defining templates for object definitions, see Using Templates.