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From the Security page, you can perform the following tasks:

Viewing Record Security

Editing Record Security

There are two kinds of security. The first is a comprehensive security feature, used by system administrators, that assigns rights to user groups. These rights are the ones that determine whether you can view, edit, create, or delete records for a specific record type.

This section will describe the second kind of security - record security that can be assigned by an ordinary user and applies only to one single record at a time.

Examples of when you may need to set record security include:

Public records need to be made accessible to limited-privilege users.

Public records need to be made inaccessible to specific groups.

Private records need to be made accessible to specific users or groups other than the user who created the record.

Public records are available to all users, and groups must be added to make the records inaccessible.

Private records must have all users or groups added to its permissions in order to make the record accessible.

More information on Public vs. Private record security can be found here.

The security features described here have no effect on a user whose level of access is "superuser" rather than "normal" or "limited". A superuser can manipulate any record, even if you explicitly deny them access to a record in the record's Security page.

Users who create a record typically have access to it, regardless of the settings on the Security page--provided they have the right to read that record type. Similarly, all project and task assignees and appointment attendees are automatically granted the rights to read, update, and delete the records.

Depending on your organization's security settings, related records of projects may automatically inherit the same security settings as their parent project. For example, if a parent project's security is set so that you cannot delete it, then you may not be able to delete its related appointments, histories, and tasks, even if you are the user who created those related records.

Similarly, while a parent project is pending approval, you may not be able to modify that parent project or any of its related appointments, histories, tasks, and other options, depending on the administrative security settings.

The individual record security feature cannot be used to override the comprehensive security feature. For example, if you explicitly grant View rights for a Contact record to group "reviewers", but "reviewers" does not have View rights for the Contact record type, then that groups's users would still be unable to view that Contact record.

The ability to control security for an individual record is a set of two rights (view security and edit security) that are granted to you by your system administrator. If you do not have these rights, you will not be able to see or use the Security page of a record.

The individual rights that can be assigned on the Security page are:

Record Security Rights




Allows the users in a group to view or read the record. If a user or group is denied this right, the record will be invisible to them (will not appear in lists or search results.)

Important: If you grant any of the other three rights to a user or group, you automatically grant them the right to read the record. See the security rights dependencies diagram.


Allows the users in a group to edit and change the record.

If a group has Read rights to a record, but does not have Update rights, the record will be included in lists and search results, but a small image of a lock readonly_padlock will appear where the edit icon would normally appear. This tells the user that the record cannot be edited.


Allows the users in a group to delete the record.

Perm (Permission)

Allows the users in a group to set the record security through its Security tab to grant or deny access rights to other users.

Rights are somewhat dependent on each other. For example, if you want to grant a Permission right, to edit the record security, you must also assign the Read and Update rights. If you want to assign the Update right, or the Delete right, you must also assign the Read right. Note that the application will automatically assign the dependent rights when you select a right that has dependencies.

The following diagram illustrates the dependency of the record rights when you want to allow any of them to a user or group. The arrow in the diagram indicates that the right it points FROM requires the right it points TO.

Security Rights Dependencies Diagram

Security Rights Dependencies Diagram


When denying access rights, the dependencies cause slightly different effects. By default, if you deny a group the Read right, the rest of the rights for the record are automatically denied. Also, if you deny a group the Update right, the Permission right is denied. Again, the application automatically sets the other dependent rights when you select an individual right.