While viewing a record, click on the Security link in the left pane.
1.Privacy determines whether the record behaves as public or private. If it is public, the record will be shown or hidden based on the rights that have been assigned to the overall record type. If it is private, the record will be hidden from all users except the user who created it. However, there can be exceptions to those behaviors, and the exceptions are determined by entries in the Group Rights section. 2.Group Rights contain exceptions to the public/private behaviors, organized by user group. For example, if a record is private, you could enter an exception that would allow a specific group to edit that record, while all other groups would still be unable to see the record.
Field Name
Indicates whether this row Allows or Denies specific rights to the record.
The user group to be affected by these rights.
Read, Update, Delete, Perm
Four fields, each containing Yes or No, to indicate which rights are being allowed or denied. See a detailed explanation of these rights in Record Security Rights.
See Working with Record Security for more information.