Note: The following procedure assumes that you created or obtained a data file that meets the import guidelines. See Creating a Data File for more information.
1.Click the Tools button. 2.In the Tools section, click Data Import Wizard. The Data Import Wizard opens to the first page.
 Data Import Tool, Page One
3.Review the first page, and then click Next to continue. The Upload Spreadsheet File page opens.
 Data Import Tool, Upload Spreadsheet File Page
4.In the Record Type drop-down list, select the type of records that you want to create. 5.Click Choose File or Browse to locate the spreadsheet file that contains the data that you want to import. 6.Click Next. TeamConnect searches system and custom field labels to match the imported labels to TeamConnect fields.
When the tool finishes analyzing the data, the Map Record Fields page opens.
The label names from your data file appear in the Import Field column. If TeamConnect finds a match, the suggested label names appear in the TeamConnect Field column.
 Data Import Tool, Map Record Files Page
7.For each incorrect or unmapped field, click the TeamConnect Field drop-down list, and select the correct label name. If you added secondary fields or fields not in the drop-down list to the imported data, you can also adding more fields.
8.Click Next. If you mapped a field twice, an error message appears. Correct the error, and click Next again to continue.
A Confirmation page opens that displays the number of records to be imported.
 Import Conformation Page
9.Click Next to import the mapped data. Importing may take several minutes, depending on the number of records you are importing.
During the import, TeamConnect ignores all blank lines and empty cells. Any custom rules that trigger upon record creation automatically execute.
When the import is complete, a confirmation page provides the details of the data import, including the number of records imported and the number of records that did not import because of errors. See Data Import Wizard Errors for how to troubleshoot errors.
10.Click Finish to close the wizard. Note: After import, the Excel file will not be retained within the TeamConnect instance. |