To import data, you must create an Excel spreadsheet that contains the record information that you want to import. The spreadsheet looks similar to the following image.
Contacts Example
Note: If your Excel workbook has multiple sheets, only the first sheet uploads.
The following guidelines apply for the first row:
•The first row cannot contain duplicate label names, even if the names have different cases.
For example, Address, address, and aDDress are all considered duplicates.
•Label names cannot contain the following symbols:
< (less than)
> (greater than)
. (period)
& (ampersand)
' (single quote)
" (double quote)
[ (left bracket)
] (right bracket)
In addition, TeamConnect ignores macros and formulas and removes currency and percent symbols when importing data.
If you want to create a data file that contains localized data for system and custom lookup fields, assignee roles, and categories, enter the field's tree position instead of translating the field.
If you use a Category label in your data file, you can enter more than one category in the same field, separated by commas. The first category in the cell is automatically the Primary category.
For multiple categories, the Category cells may appear as follows:
Categories Example
Contact data files must contain a Type field for each entry. The options for the Type field must be one of the following:
•P or Person.
•C or Company.
This field is not case sensitive. See the Type field in the Contacts Example image for an example.
In addition, each entry that has a Type drop-down box, such as the Address or Phone label, must have a Type entry in the data file. For example, if you have an Address heading label in your data file, you must also have an Address Type heading label, as shown in the following image.
Contacts Example
You can also add secondary information for the same label type, such as a secondary address for a contact.
For example, for a secondary address, create and then populate labels similar to the following labels:
Once you import the data file, you can use the Add More Fields option to map these fields as secondary addresses.