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Generally rights are assigned to a category as a prerequisite to assigning rights to its associated custom fields, sections, and forms. Access to categories and custom fields also require access to the related record type. Users looking to set or configure Group Rights should view the following pages for further detail: Hierarchy Overview of Group Rights, Assigning Group Category and Custom Field Rights, Example for Assigning Rights to Contact Categories and Fields.

Types of Category Rights

By default, each record type has two categories, the base category and a Default category. Typically, a TeamConnect Certified Professional will add additional categories for your company. These custom categories will have corresponding rights.

Each category for a record type has the corresponding rights:

View Category

oFor the base category, allows viewing the Categories page or section of the record.

oFor the Default category or custom categories, allows viewing the selected category from the Categories page or section.

Add Category—Allows adding the category for the record.

For tasks, expenses: allows selecting a default category. This requires both add and remove rights.

Remove Category—Allows Removing the category for the record.

For tasks, expensesallows changing a default category. This requires both add and remove rights.

View All Custom Fields

 Allows user complete view rights for all subfields on the category. If this is not checked, users will not be able to add Edit All Custom Fields, as View rights are a precursor to editing.

Edit All Custom Fields

 Allows user complete edit rights for all subfields on the category.  

Individual Fields

For example, for contacts, the corresponding base category rights are View Contact category, Add Contact category, and Remove Contact category.

If a custom category, Contractor, were added for contacts, the corresponding category rights would be: View Contractor category, Add Contractor category, and Remove Contractor category. See Example for Assigning All Rights to Contacts Pages and Fields and Example for Assigning Rights to Contact Categories and Fields for examples on assigning rights to categories and custom fields.


For accounts, contacts, invoices, projects, appointments, documents, involved's, and histories—the base View Category right allows viewing the selected category from the Categories page or section.

For tasks, expenses—the base View Category right allows viewing the selected category from the Category drop-down list on the General page.

The list of categories in the Categories drop-down list in the Categories block displays only those categories to which the user has the Create rights.

Types of Custom Field Rights

Each custom field that is associated with a record type's category has the corresponding right:

View Custom Field—Allows viewing the custom field, form, or section.

Edit Custom Field—Allows entering, changing, deleting field values in the custom field, form, or section.

For example, for expenses, the corresponding base category's custom field rights are View Contact custom fields and Edit Contact custom fields.

If a custom category, Contractor, was added for contacts, and a custom field, Private Investigator, was added, then the corresponding custom field rights could be: View Contractor custom fields and Edit Contractor custom fields.

Differences in Category Functionality

There are several groups of objects that have different functionality on their record screens in the user interface. These groups of objects are:

Account, Contact, Invoice, Project (custom object)—Record screens of these objects have a Categories system block where the user, depending on his or her rights, can work with the appropriate categories.

In the Categories drop-down list of the Categories block, the user can see all categories for which he or she has Create rights; these are the categories that the user can add. Below the data entry fields, the user can see all the existing categories that are added to each record. Depending on his or her rights, the user might be able to delete these categories.

Task and Expense—Record screens of these objects do not have a separate Categories block. Instead, they have a Default Category field in the General block where the user, depending on his or her rights, can work with the appropriate categories.

By selecting a category in this field, the user does the following:

a.Adds this category to the record.

b.Deletes the previously selected category.

Important: If users lack Delete rights for a category, they cannot select a new one--even if they have Create rights for the category.

Appointment, Document, History, and Involved—The record screens of these four objects do have a separate Categories block like most system objects. Yet they also have the Default Category field in the General block, which results in the following functionality:

oDepending on their rights, users can add the appropriate category and set it as the default by selecting it in the Default Category field.

oHowever, by selecting a new default category, the user does not delete the previous default category from the record. It can be deleted only by using the Categories block.


Rights for adding categories allow users to select or activate a category for the specified record type. Generally the active categories act like filters to provide or restrict access to related custom fields. Categories are created by solution developers with the exception of the primary and default categories, which are provided for every record type.

Rights for removing categories allow users the ability to deactivate a category for the specified record type. Afterward, the result for the user is that any related custom fields for that category will be hidden from the Details page or Details section. Categories can only be deleted from the system by solution developers.

Solution Developer Rights to work with Categories and Custom Fields only apply to rights for records (except users and group).