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Improved granular group rights (as of TeamConnect 4.2) allows for more robust control over user privileges. In setting up these rights, it is important to understand which settings take precedence. Some sections, as detailed below, will change the read-only/read-write status of others. An example of setting up rights can be found on the Example for Assigning Rights to Contact Categories and Fields.

Hierarchy Overview of Rights

The following sections describe how group rights can be configured in TeamConnect 4.2+.

It should be noted that the far left checkbox on the top row  will give all view and edit rights on all object categories and fields. When this box is checked, all subsidiary custom fields will be unable to be checked, but will retain view and edit permissions.

Group Category Rights Overview

Group Category Rights Overview

Chart Number

Section Type



Full Parent-level rights management

These checkboxes will enable or disable all items within the column.

Users should note that:

1. Edit rights cannot be enabled for any category lacking the respective View rights.

2. Category rights take precedence over custom field-level rights.


Individual Category Item Rights

Each of these checkboxes enables or disables the respective right for that category and column (e.g., selected example provides View rights for External category on Contact object).

Selecting the View all custom fields or Edit all custom fields box will "gray-out" the boxes for custom fields (see Section 4). If you have not individually checked the custom field-level boxes prior to the View/Edit all custom fields box, they will be grayed out as empty boxes. However, you will still have View or Edit rights if the Section 2 View all custom fields/Edit all custom fields boxes are checked, regardless of whether the Section 4 boxes have check-marks. For more detail, see Section 4 of this table, or the Addendum at the end of this document.


Full Category-level rights management

Clicking any box in this column will apply full rights on the category to the group. As this will enable the View all custom fields/Edit all custom fields boxes, the Section 4 custom field-level rights boxes will be grayed out.  If you have not individually checked the custom field-level boxes prior to the View/Edit all custom fields box, they will be grayed out as empty boxes. However, you will still have View or Edit rights if the Section 2 View all custom fields/Edit all custom fields boxes are checked, regardless of whether the Section 4 boxes have check-marks.


Custom Field-level rights management

Click the green caret symbol to view the custom fields for the respective category. If the View all custom fields/Edit all custom fields boxes are checked for the row, these custom field-level boxes will be grayed out. In this case, even if they are grayed out without checks present.