The available fields and elements in Screen Designer are contained in panes located by default on the right side of the Screen Designer interface. Depending on the project and object type, the following types of items will be available for your custom block:
•System Fields
•Custom Fields
•Elements (including Advanced Elements, HTML Elements, and JSP Elements)
•Wizard Parameters
•Java Classes
Click on the corresponding pane tab to see the list of available fields or elements of that type.
The general process for adding, moving, and deleting fields or elements of any type is described below. For more information on specific types of elements or fields, see System Fields and Custom Fields and Elements and Reports. For more information on properties and adding further functionality to your custom blocks, see Editing Properties and Interactions.
1.Click on the tab of the field type you wish to use, System Fields or Custom Fields. 2.For each field that you wish to use, drag it from the System Fields or Custom Fields pane to your desired position in the custom screen canvas. oThe container you drag your field into will be outlined in green if it is a valid location for your field. If it is not a valid location for your field, the container will be outlined in red. 3.Edit the field’s properties in the Properties pane. |
1.Click on a field or element in the custom screen canvas to select it. It will then be highlighted in yellow. 2.Edit the field’s properties in the Properties pane. |
1.Hold down the Ctrl key and click on fields or elements to select multiple at the same time. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on selected fields or elements to deselect them. •Alternatively, click and drag a box around all the fields and elements you want to edit at the same time. Note that the box you drag must fully encompass the fields and elements you want to select. 2.Common Properties fields of the selected fields will appear in the Properties pane. Make modifications in the Properties pane to choose display formats and other attributes. |
1.Move your mouse cursor over the label text of the field in the canvas you want to move. Your cursor icon will change to the move icon. 2.Click and drag the field to your new desired location. oThe container you drag your field into will be outlined in green if it is a valid location for your field. If it is not a valid location for your field, the container will be outlined in red. |
1.Click the X icon in the top-right corner of the field you want to delete from the canvas. |