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Most fields and elements in Screen Designer can be customized further by editing their properties. Properties vary depending upon the object type of the field or element that has focus.

You can edit properties of elements and fields by clicking on them in the canvas. The Properties pane will always display the properties of whichever field or element has focus in Screen Designer. If more than one field or element is selected at a time, the Properties pane will only display the properties that are shared between the selected items.

As of Screen Designer 5.2, field label text can be changed from within the application (rather than solely via XML edits). However, changes made in this way will not be localized for other languages.

You can edit font properties on elements or fields that display some kind of text in view mode. For example, you can modify the properties of text fields, number fields, Memo fields, drop-down lists and more to alter the font type, font size, and font color (including labelFontFamily, labelFontSize, labelFontColor) of the displayed text in your custom screen.