Below is a table containing all the element properties in Screen Designer, the elements associated with each property, the data type of each property, and an explanation of each property.
Property |
Elements |
Data Type |
Description |
Example Data |
aggressiveCacheMultiplier |
•Batch Display |
Text |
This value is multiplied by the number of rows originally requested from the database, and defines how many rows will be requested and cached through the batch display. Defaults to '1'. |
1, 10, or 50 |
allowNullValue |
•Category •Lookup •Multi-Value List •Select •Wizard Parameter (Dropdown) |
Boolean |
Allows a null value. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
batchDisplayObject |
•Batch Display |
Text |
This property references the id of the useClass tag that should be associated with this batchDisplay. |
useclassId |
blockTitle |
•Block Template |
Text |
Title of block template. |
Welcome to the Block |
blockTitleKey |
•Block Template |
Text |
The i18nKey for block title. |
some.i18n.key |
category |
•Multi-Value List |
N/A |
Non-editable property associated with custom fields. This is the category which the custom field is under. |
checked |
•Checkbox |
Text |
Defines whether or not field defaults to selected. |
True, False |
colon |
•True/False |
Text drop-down |
Determines whether a colon is present after the label. Defaults to true. |
True, False |
cols |
•Memo Text |
Text |
Defines the visible width of a text area (memo text). |
1, 5, or 10 |
columnWidth |
•Row •Block template |
Text |
Defines the width of a given column within a row. (Property will be titled column1Width, column2Width....) |
20, 25, 33, 50, 75, 100 |
cssClass |
•Button •Message •Out •Current Phase |
Text |
CSS class to use for field. |
some_css_class |
defaultBlankRows |
•Batch Display |
Text |
Defines the number of blank rows that appear for entry into batch display. |
1, 5, or 10 |
disabled |
•Button •Select |
Boolean |
Disables field if set to True. |
True, False |
displayNamePath |
•Select |
Text |
This is the path of the value to display in the select field. Defaults to 'displayString'. |
enterpriseEntity.fieldName |
editorAllowEmptyDisplay |
•Category Column •Custom Lookup Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column |
Boolean |
Defines whether to display an empty field at the top of a drop-down list. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
editorDefault |
•Category Column •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Custom Lookup Column •Date Column •Number Column •Project Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •User Column |
Text |
The default value shown in a column editor within a batch display. For example: For a check-box column within a batch display, this could be set to True, False, or an expression to handle via JavaScript. |
Depends on the specific column. For example, True or False for a check-box, but a tree position for a lookup column or category column, and any text for a text column. |
editorDependentItemsMap |
•Select Column |
Text |
Allows the use of run-time created drop-down lists that are not existing system or custom lookup tables via the expression passed into this property. The value for this property should be in expression form, '${}', and reference a method in the related Java class that returns a map of lists. If this property has a non-null value, then editorItems must be null, and vice-versa. |
${cjb.items} |
editorDependentItemsParentFieldId |
•Select Column |
Text |
String ID of the parent field within the batch display. Required when editorDependentItemsMap is used. |
parentField |
editorEmptyDisplay |
•Category Column •Custom Lookup Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column |
Text |
String to display in an editor drop-down list within a batch display column when no value is currently selected. |
(Select) |
editorEmptyDisplayI18nKey |
•Category Column •Custom Lookup Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column |
Text |
The i18nKey for the string to display in an editor drop-down list within a batch display column when no value is currently selected. Defaults to '', which displays "Select". | |
editorEntityCode |
•Category Column |
Text |
Unique object code corresponding to desired categories. |
editorFilterEntityCode |
•Project Column |
Text |
Unique code of the project, only used for project column, batch display. |
editorFilterParentItemUniqueCode |
•Category •Category Column |
Text |
Unique code of a parent. Will only display children of this parent. |
editorFilterSearchDefinitionKey |
•User Column |
Text |
Specific to searches for batch display user columns. Sets the search module to be used. |
searchKey |
editorItems |
•Select Column |
Text |
Allows the use of run-time created drop-down lists that are not existing system or custom lookup tables via the expression passed into this property. The value for this property should be in expression form, '${}', and reference a method in the related Java class that returns the desired list. If this property has a non-null value, then editorDependentItemsMap must be null, and vice-versa. |
${cjb.items} |
editorMaxLength |
•Text Column |
Text |
Defines the maximum length to accept in text editor. |
10, 50, or 250 |
editorOnChangeRefreshFormValues |
•Category Column •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Custom Lookup Column •Date Column •Number Column •Project Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •User Column |
Boolean |
Defines whether the page refreshes after a change to the field. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
editorSelectEmptyDisplay |
•Contact Column •Project Column •User Column |
Text |
String to display in an application entity-based column when the field is empty or null. If editorUseSelect is set to 'True', then this will be used to determine the value of the drop-down list when no item is selected. This attribute cannot be used when the required attribute is 'True' on the column. |
(none) |
editorSelectEmptyDisplayI18nKey |
•Contact Column •Project Column •User Column |
Text |
The i18nKey for the string to display in an application entity-based column when the field is empty or null. If editorUseSelect is set to 'True', then this will be used to determine the value of the drop-down list when no item is selected. This attribute cannot be used when the required attribute is 'True' on the column. |
common.none |
editorSelectItems |
•Contact Column •Project Column •User Column |
Text |
List of entities to use for the selection. |
${cjb.items} |
editorSize |
•Contact Column •Project Column •Text Column •User Column |
Text |
Text editor size. Defaults to browser value if not set. |
10, 50, or 250 |
editorTableCode |
•Custom Lookup Column •System Lookup Column |
Text |
Path to custom lookup table (unique code). |
editorTextAreaCols |
•Text Column |
Text |
Defines the visible width of a text area of a text field within a batch. |
10, 50, or 250 |
editorTextAreaRows |
•Text Column |
Text |
Defines the number of visible rows in the text area of a text field within a batch. |
1, 5, or 10 |
editorUseSelect |
•Contact Column •Project Column •User Column |
Boolean |
Defines whether to use select(dropdown) when dealing with an entity column. If set to True, editorSelectItems is required. |
True, False |
editorUseTextArea |
•Text Column |
Text |
Allows text area to be set. |
True, False |
entityCode |
•Category •New Record Link |
Text |
The unique code of the category to map a New Record Link to. It is the unique code of the entity you want to create. |
entityToLink |
•New Record Link |
Text |
Specifies if entity linked is parent or related object. |
${cjb.linkRecord} or enterpriseEntity.project |
eoObject |
•Record Link |
Text |
Refers to a getter method in a Java file that returns a TN object. (For example, cjb.vendor) |
${cjb.myObject} |
forceEditable |
•Batch Display •Category •Checkbox •Date & Time Field •Date Field •Lookup •Memo Text •Multi-Value List •Number Field •Select •Text Field |
Boolean |
Defines field to be editable at all times. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
forceNotEditable |
•Batch Display •Category •Checkbox •Date & Time Field •Date Field •Lookup •Memo Text •Multi-Value List •Number Field •Select •Text Field |
Boolean |
Defines field to be uneditable at all times. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
forceSearch |
•Lookup •Multi-Value List |
Boolean |
If 'True', the Lookup element will utilize a search field instead of populating a drop-down list. |
True, False |
forceSelect |
•Lookup •Multi-Value List |
Boolean |
If 'True', the Lookup element will have its values displayed in a drop-down list. |
True, False |
format |
•Number |
Text |
Users are able to format number fields using the following options: •none •% •currency •$ •plain •decimal |
.504 |
fractionDigits |
•Number Aggregate Field |
Text |
This sets both minimumFractionDigits and maximumFractionDigits to the same value. |
4 |
hiddenInForms |
•Category Column •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Custom Lookup Column •Date Column •HTML Column •Number Column •Project Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •User Column |
Text |
If set to True, the field referenced by the batchDisplayColumn tags will appear in the "read-only" table at the bottom, but will not appear as an editable field in the edit row. |
True, False |
hideAddFunction |
•Batch Display |
Boolean |
Hides the Add button on batch display. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
hideRemoveFunction |
•Batch Display |
Boolean |
Hides the Remove button on batch display. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
hideTitle |
•Block Template |
Boolean |
Hides the Title from displaying at the top of the block. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
hideUpdateFunction |
•Batch Display |
Boolean |
Hides the Update button on batch display. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
horizontalTabbing |
•Batch Display |
Boolean |
Defines whether tabbing between editor fields is allowed. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
href |
•Anchor |
Text |
Specifies the URL the link refers to. | or #blockHTMLID |
id |
•Anchor •Batch Display •Block Template •Button •Category •Checkbox •Date & Time Field •Date Field •External DMS •Lookup •Memo Text •Multi-Value List •New Record Link •Number Field •Select •Text Field •Wizard Parameter (Textbox) •Wizard Parameter (Dropdown) •Project •Report •User |
Text |
Defines the HTML ID. |
my_id |
items |
•For Each |
Text |
Input should be a JSP expression, formatted '${id.method}', where 'id' is the ID assigned to a Java class within the block template, and 'method' is the name of a method within the Java class that returns a list of objects. |
${cjb.items} |
key |
•Category •Checkbox •Date & Time Field •Date Field •Lookup •Memo Text •Message •Multi-Value List •Number Field •Select •Text Field •External DMS •Radio button •User |
Text |
The i18nKey for the label tag. The label, key, and required tags are applied to the label tag that is added when you add one of these fields. |
invoice.numberString |
label |
•Action •Button •Category •Category Column •Checkbox •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Current Phase •Custom Lookup Column •Date & Time Field •Date Column •Date Field •External DMS •HTML Column •Lookup •Memo Text •Multi-Value List •Number Column •Number Field •Project Column •Project •Select •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •Text Field •User Column •User |
Text Action Column |
Defines the value of the label for the field. This field can be changed within the application (rather than just by XML edits). However, changing this field in the application will not localize for other languages. |
Invoice Number |
labelFontFamily |
•All elements with labels (as noted above) |
Text Drop-down |
Defines the Font Family style for the label. |
Arial |
labelFontSize |
•All elements with labels (as noted above) |
Numeric |
Defines the size of the font in the label. |
18 |
labelFontColor |
•All elements with labels (as noted above) |
Numeric (hex-code entry) or select from palette |
Defines the color of the label. This does not affect the color of the font within the actual field. |
RBG {128, 255, 0} |
labelVerticalAlignment |
•All elements with labels (as noted above) |
Text drop-down |
Allows users to position the label above, below, or at the same level as the field. |
Above |
labelWidth |
•All elements with text, numeric entry, or calendar items. |
Numeric |
Allows users to adjust the width of the label itself. |
10 |
labelI18nKey |
•Action Column •Category Column •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Custom Lookup Column •Date Column •HTML Column •Number Column •Project Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •User Column |
Text |
The i18nKey of the label. This is used for the columns within a batch display |
custom.labelKey |
labelKey |
•Button |
Text |
i18nKey for the button label. |
custom.labelKey |
list |
•Lookup •Multi-Value List •Select |
Text |
Parameter that provides the list of elements to populate a drop-down list. |
Name of a list field to pull from, either a table name (for system tables), table code (for custom tables), or cjb method |
maximumFractionDigits |
•Number Aggregate Field •Number Column •Number Field |
Text |
Maximum decimal places to support. |
2, 3, or 4 |
maxLength |
•Number Field •Text Field |
Text |
Defines the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a field. |
100 |
maxLevel |
•Multi-Value List |
Integer |
Defines the number of levels to show for a hierarchical lookup table. 0 will show all levels. |
0, 1, 3, or 5 |
minimumFractionDigits |
•Number Aggregate Field •Number Column •Number Field |
Text |
Minimum decimal places to support. |
2 |
multiple |
•Category •Lookup •Multi-Value List •Select |
Boolean |
Allows the selection of multiple items at once. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
name |
•Action Column •Category •Category Column •Checkbox •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Custom Lookup Column •Date & Time Field •Date Column •Date Field •HTML Column •Lookup •Memo Text •Multi-Value List •Number Aggregate Field •Number Column •Number Field •Project Column •Select •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •Text Field •User Column •Wizard Parameter (Textbox) •Wizard Parameter (Dropdown) |
Text |
Internal name of field. Not visible on screen. |
command.categories['CONT'].customFields['Matter'].name or ${} |
negate |
•If Statement |
Text |
Negates the condition received by the element. |
True, False |
noResize |
•Memo Text |
Boolean |
Prevents the user from resizing the memo text area in internet explorer. Defaults to False. |
True, False |
notEditable |
•Category Column •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Custom Lookup Column •Date Column •Number Column •Project Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •User Column |
Boolean |
Defines a column within the batch display as uneditable. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
nullValueDisplayString |
•Category •Lookup •Multi-Value List •Select •Wizard Parameter (Dropdown) |
Text |
String to display in a drop-down list if the value is unselected or null. |
(Select) |
nullValueKey |
•Category •Lookup •Multi-Value List •Select •Wizard Parameter (Dropdown) |
Text |
The i18nKey for empty value in a drop-down list. Defaults to, which displays "Select". |
(custom.choose) |
numberOfColumns |
•Block Template •Row |
Integer |
The number of columns to include in the block template. |
2 |
onBlur |
•Checkbox •Memo Text •Text Field |
JavaScript |
Runs the inputted JavaScript when a field loses focus. |
function() { alert("field lost focus"); } |
onChange |
•Category •Date & Time Field •Date Field •External DMS •Lookup •Memo Text •Multi-Value List •Number Field •Select •Text Field |
JavaScript |
Runs the inputted JavaScript when a field has been changed. |
function(this) { alert( + "has been changed"); } |
onClick |
•Anchor •Button •Checkbox |
JavaScript |
Runs the inputted JavaScript on a field on click. |
function() { alert("clicked a thing"); } |
pageArgs |
•New Record Link |
Text |
Passes in a parameter to newRecordLink. |
?name=bob&color=red |
pageSize |
•Batch Display |
Text |
Defines rows per page for batch display. Defaults to system setting for search rows per page. |
10, 50, or 200 |
preserveValueAfterAdd |
•Category Column •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Custom Lookup Column •Date Column •HTML Column •Number Column •Project Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •User Column |
Boolean |
Normally fields that are being entered into a batch display are cleared after you hit add. Setting this to true keeps the value in the field after clicking the Add button. |
True, False |
printPreview |
•Block Template |
Boolean |
Defines the section as a default for the user. |
True, False |
radioButtonList |
•Lookup |
Boolean |
Defines whether the lookup table will be displayed as a radio button list. Set to True to display as radio button list; False to display as drop down list. |
True, False |
required |
•Category •Category Column •Checkbox •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Custom Lookup Column •Date & Time Field •Date Column •Date Field •External DMS •Lookup •Memo Text •Number Column •Number Field •Project Column •Select •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •Text Field •User Column |
Boolean |
Defines whether the field is required. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
richText |
•Memo Text |
Boolean |
Adds a rich text control to the memo field. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
rootItem |
•Multi-Value List |
Text |
Defines which node should be displayed as the root item in a hierarchical table. Defaults to ROOT. |
rows |
•Memo Text |
Text |
Defines the number of visible rows in the text area of the memo field. |
1, 3, 10, or 50 |
sectionCategory |
•Block Template |
N/A |
A non-editable field that indicates which category the block template belongs to for the purpose of rendering custom fields. Only custom fields which belong to this category will be rendered. Screen Designer automatically sets this property the first time a custom field is dropped onto the block template, and will thereafter prevent you from adding custom fields which do not belong to the defined category. Removing all custom fields will reset the property. |
N/A |
showCopyAction |
•Batch Display |
Boolean |
Defines whether the Copy button is active in in-line editing of batch display. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
showEdit |
•Block Template |
Boolean |
Defines whether the edit link on block in view mode is shown. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
showRoot |
•Category •Multi-Value List |
Boolean |
Defines whether the root category is shown. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
showTime |
•Date & Time Field |
Boolean |
Required to show the time, otherwise tag functions as Date. Set to True to enable. |
True, False |
size |
•Category •Lookup •Multi-Value List •Number Field •Select •Text Field •User |
Text |
The number of characters shown in the field, or the number of items shown in a drop-down list. |
1, 3, 7, 11, or 40 |
sortPath |
•Select |
Text |
Expression path to sort the list associated with the drop-down list. Defaults to 'displayString'. |
name |
src |
•Script |
Text |
A reference to an external JavaScript file to be loaded into the screen. |
customUtilities.js |
style |
•Button |
Text |
CSS style to apply to field. |
width: 90px; color: red; |
tableCode |
•Lookup •Multi-Value List |
Text |
Link to specific table via unique code. For Custom field. |
tableName |
•Lookup •Multi-Value List |
Text |
Link to specific table via unique code. For System field. |
Currency |
target |
•Anchor |
Text |
Where to open the linked URL. Similar to the HTML <a> target attribute. |, #section |
test |
•If Statement |
Text |
Input should be a JSP expression, formatted '${id.method}'. The 'method' should refer to a method within an associated Java class and should return true or false to be used by an if statement. |
${cjb.myBooleanMethod} |
title |
•Anchor •Button •Category •Check-box •Date •Date Tile •External DMS •Lookup •Multi-value list •Text Box •Number •Project •Radio Button •Select •Text •User |
Memo Field |
Mouse-over description text. |
Click this to make something happen |
type |
•Script |
Text |
Specifies the mime type of a script. |
text/JavaScript |
value |
•Category •Date & Time Field •Date Field •HTML •Lookup •Memo Text •Message Parameter •Multi-Value List •Number Field •Out •Project •Select •Text Field •User |
Text |
Represents the default display value for Advanced Elements and the display value for the Out field. |
Hello, I am a field. Change me. |
var |
•For Each |
Text |
Name of the current object, which should have a setter and getter method of the same name in the associated class, and be kept as a global variable in the associated class. |
matter, dispute, relatedObject |
width |
•Category Column •Checkbox Column •Contact Column •Custom Lookup Column •Date Column •HTML Column •Number Column •Project Column •Select Column •System Lookup Column •Text Column •User Column |
Text |
Defines the width of a field by percentage of table. |
1, 50, or 99 |
wizardUniqueKey |
•New Record Link •Wizard Parameter (Textbox) •Wizard Parameter (Dropdown) |
Text |
Unique key of the wizard. |
uniqueWizardKey |
wrap |
•Memo Text |
Text |
The wrap property of the html text area tag (used to render memo text fields). If set to hard, then the browser will insert line breaks on form submission to ensure that no line is longer than the width of the element (specified via the cols property, which is required if this is set to hard). If soft, the browser will not insert any additional line breaks. Defaults to soft. |
Hard, Soft |
Report-Specific Properties
The following properties apply to reports added into your screen.
Property |
Data Type |
Description |
Example Data |
height |
Numeric |
Sets the height of the report element on your screen. |
50 |
parameter |
Text |
Allows users to edit parameters from within Screen Designer. Each parameter will be listed by its parameter name. If a user deletes a parameter, retype the parameter name in a comma delimited list, e.g., "firstName=Cody, middleName=Lloyd". |
firstName=Cody |
path (required) |
Text |
Sets the location of the report within your TeamConnect instance. |
Reports/All Dispute Budgets by All Attorneys |
width |
Numeric |
Sets the width of the report element on your screen. |
50 |