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Using interactions, fields can have the ability to affect the visibility of another field, block or element on the canvas. Visibility will be determined by cases, which are listed in the Interactions pane.

Note: The custom screen executes each case from top to bottom, so if two cases contradict each other, the latter case will take precedence.

After saving an interaction on a field or element in the canvas, you can add more interactions to the same field or element by clicking the New button in the Interactions pane.

Note: A list field that has been turned into a radio button list using the radioButtonList property cannot be made required for interactions.


The table below displays all the operators that are available for interactions in Screen Designer.




Returns true if the Selected Field is equal to the entered Value.

Not Equals

Returns true if the Selected Field is not equal to the entered Value.


Returns true if the Selected Field is greater than the entered Value. This operator is only available for numeric fields.


Returns true if the Selected Field is greater than or equal to the entered Value. This operator is only available for numeric fields.


Returns true if the Selected Field is equal to the entered Value. This operator is only available for numeric fields.


Returns true if the Selected Field is less than or equal to the entered Value. This operator is only available for numeric fields.


Returns true if the Selected Field is less than the entered Value. This operator is only available for numeric fields.

Is Null

Returns true if the Selected Field contains a null value.

Is Not Null

Returns true if the Selected Field contains any value other than null.


Only available for List fields.

Returns true if the Selected Field contains any of the selected options. Users can use shift to select multiple values from the available list.

Selecting multiple values for Contains operates with "Or" logic. As an example, if the multi-select list has values "A, B, C, D, E," and a user selects B and D, the Interaction will be triggered if either value matches. If none of the values match, the interaction will not be triggered.

Does Not Contain

Only available for List fields.

Returns true if the Selected Field does not contain any of the selected options. Users can use shift to select multiple values from the available list.


Selecting multiple values for Does Not Contain operates with "AND" logic. As an example, if the multi-select list has values "A, B, C, D, E," and a user selects B and D, the Interaction will be triggered if both values are not present. If either of the values match, the interaction will not be triggered.