1.Click on the Java Classes tab. A list of system field names available for use in the block is displayed in the Java Classes pane. This tab is not displayed by default. Select Java Classes from the View drop-down menu to make this tab appear.
2.For each class that you want to use, drag it from the Java Classes pane to your desired position in the canvas. Java classes can be added to the following screen elements: oBlock Templates oScreens (the canvas outside of Block Templates) when there is more than one Block Template ▪In this case, the Java class will be available to all Block Templates on the screen. oIf Statements ▪In this case, the Java class will only be available under the conditions of the If Statement. ▪Another Java class outside the If Statement is required for the If Statement to function. 3.In the Properties pane, enter an id for the Java Class. 4.Add a reference to your added Java Class in properties of other desired elements. oAny other element that references the added Java Class must reference it by the id you enter in step 3. This will be of the form ${JavaClassID.methodName}. |