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Below are tables containing all the elements, advanced elements, HTML elements, and JSP elements in Screen Designer, the requirements for each element type, and example uses for each element.
Element |
Description |
Required Properties |
Example Use |
Anchor |
A link to an internal or external address. Must contain either a Message or Out element. |
Message or Out element |
Linking to an external page or to a different section of the current page. |
Block Template |
A container to group any amount of fields in a custom block. |
numberOfColumns |
Delineating different sections of a screen from each other. Most screens will have one block template. Multiple ones can be added to a single screen if you want to make two sections look like two separate blocks to the user, or if you want to have different versions of a single block that are dependent upon the category of the record (for example, showing different custom fields that are relevant only to a particular category of records). |
Button |
An interactive element that will trigger an event based on the Screen Designer user specification. |
N/A |
Allowing the user to trigger some action. |
Empty |
Enters an empty <div> element to add spacing to the screen. |
N/A |
Adding more space between rows for better UI. This ensures that rows do not "collapse upward" to fill empty spaces in the layout as per default behavior. |
Message |
Outputs a localized message given an i18n key. See Creating Custom Messages. |
key |
Displaying localized informational or cautionary messages on the screen. Identical to out tags except the message will be localized. Generally, this is preferred and should be used in place of out tags. |
Message Parameter |
Inserts dynamic text into Messages. Message Parameters can only be placed in a Message element. |
value |
Creating error messages that contain dynamic values that are defined by the Message Parameter element. |
New Record Link |
Creates a new record of the specified object type. |
entityCode |
Adding a "Create <Object>" link to a screen. |
Out |
Outputs a message in the block. |
value |
Displaying informational or cautionary messages on the screen. Identical to message tags except that the message will not be localized. Generally, message tags should be preferred over out tags. |
Record Link |
Links to a record of a specified object type. |
eoObject |
Linking to some other object. |
Row |
Adds a row for housing fields to your screen. Fields require a row to be placed on the screen. Users can utilize rows to create disproportionate column widths and offset values applied to the entire block. |
Added to a screen for fields to be placed on the canvas. You can adjust the column width with the columnWidth properties. Adjusting these widths can allow designers to set up disproportionate width columns if desired. |
Element |
Description |
Required Properties |
Example Use |
Batch Display |
The main use case for Batch Displays is adding a table in which you can create, view, and update child or embedded objects. Additionally, it can pull tabular data connected by a one-to-many relationship with the associated object, for creating, viewing, and updating the tabular data. |
batchDisplayObject |
Displaying embedded objects in a single table. Displaying arbitrary tabular data pulled from a custom Java class. |
Category |
Displays a list of CategoryItemTreeItem objects returned from a Java class method. Displays the default category by default. |
name |
Displaying a list of categories from a custom Java class method. |
Checkbox |
A box that users can select or de-select to produce a Boolean value. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Date & Time Field |
A field for entering date and time information. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Date Field |
A field for entering date information. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Lookup |
A drop-down menu that lists the contents of a lookup table or a list method in a custom Java class. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Memo Text |
A text field that can hold more text than the Text Field Advanced Element. The limit for Memo Text fields is more than 200,000 characters. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Multi-Value List |
A multi-select box that lists the contents of a lookup table or a list method in a custom Java class. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Number Field |
A field that stores a numerical value. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Radio Button |
A list of radio buttons, wherein users can select only one radio button at a time. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Select |
A drop-down menu that allows the user to use a custom list force selection. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Text Field |
A text field that can hold up to 2,000 characters. The character limit of the input field can be defined in Screen Designer. |
name |
Linking to a field on a related object via its path, or via a custom Java class method. |
Element |
Description |
Required Properties |
Example Use |
Html |
Allows the user to add HTML elements to the custom block. |
N/A |
Inserting raw HTML into the screen in order. |
Script |
Loads an embedded script onto the page. |
N/A |
Inserting custom JavaScript into the screen, or linking to an external JavaScript file. |
Element |
Description |
Required Properties |
Example Use |
If Statement |
Attaches a Boolean condition through a Java class. If that condition evaluates to true, then the contents of the tag are shown/loaded. |
test |
Showing a group of fields only if the record has a particular flag set, or showing a field only if the field already has a value. |
If-Else Statement |
Attaches a Boolean condition through a Java class, along with content to load when the condition is true and different content to load when the condition is false. |
test |
Making a group of fields non-editable if a record is past a certain date. Otherwise, allowing the fields to be edited. |
For Each |
Attaches to a List field in a Java class. Iterates through each item in that list, repeating some given content for each item (i.e. creating a label and a value for each item). |
var, items |
Showing a repeated set of data for a list of related objects |