The sections below detail the different components that make up the Screen Designer interface.
•File—This menu contains commands for creating, opening, saving, and publishing custom pages in Screen Designer.
▪New Block—Creates a new custom block of the same current object type.
▪Open Block—Opens a saved custom block.
▪Save Block—Saves the current custom block as a TeamConnect Screen (*.scr.xml) file. See Saving and Publishing Custom Blocks for more information.
▪Publish Block—Publishes the current custom block to the TeamConnect instance. See Saving and Publishing Custom Blocks for more information.
▪Refresh—Refreshes the Screen Designer with the most up-to-date custom fields, reports, Java classes, and wizard parameters in TeamConnect.
▪Exit—Exits Screen Designer.
•Objects—This menu contains a list of all object types in TeamConnect, including custom object types. Clicking on an object type from this menu will open a new custom block of that type, or switch focus to the custom block of that object type if one is already open in Screen Designer.
•View—This menu contains a list of all the Screen Designer panes. If a pane is closed, you can select it from this menu to open it again.
These buttons switch between the different object types you currently have open in Screen Designer. You can rearrange the order of the Object buttons by dragging and dropping them.
This button opens a menu with the Switch Profiles and Manage Profiles options. See Using Profiles for more information.
The panes contain elements and fields and their associated properties, interactions, and more. They are located by default on the left and right sides of Screen Designer. You can drag them around to your preferred location in the Screen Designer interface. You can also close any panes, then re-open them from the View menu.
•Object Blocks Pane—Located by default in the top-left corner of Screen Designer. Contains all the custom blocks of the current object type that are published to the TeamConnect instance. Double-click an item in this list to open the published custom block in Screen Designer.
•Properties Pane—Located by default in the bottom-left corner of Screen Designer. Contains all the properties of the selected field in the canvas. See Editing Properties for more information.
•Interactions Pane—Located by default in the bottom-left corner of Screen Designer. Contains the interface for adding interactions to fields. See Interactions for more information.
•System Fields Pane—Located by default in the upper-right corner of Screen Designer. Contains the default system fields associated with the current object type. See System Fields and Custom Fields for more information.
•Custom Fields Pane—Located by default in the upper-right corner of Screen Designer. Contains the custom fields associated with the current object type. See System Fields and Custom Fields for more information.
•Wizard Parameters Pane—Not displayed by default. Select Wizard Parameters from the View menu to open this pane. Contains all the wizard parameters that are available for the current object type.
•Elements Pane—Located by default in the bottom-right corner of Screen Designer. Contains page elements such as anchors, block templates, buttons, and more. See Elements and Reports for more information.
•Reports Pane—Located by default in the bottom-right corner of Screen Designer. Contains reports that are saved in TeamConnect. See Reports for more information.
•Java Classes Pane—Not displayed by default. Select Java Classes from the View menu to open this pane. Contains all the Java classes that are available for the current object type.
The canvas is the main workspace of Screen Designer. Drag fields and elements into this area to place them into your custom block. See Using Screen Designer for more information on adding, moving, and deleting fields or elements to the canvas.
Above the canvas are Block Editor Tabs, which represent each of your open custom blocks for the object type you are currently working on. You can rearrange the order of the Block Editor Tabs by clicking and dragging them to their new position. You can also view two or more custom blocks at a time by clicking and dragging a Block Editor Tab to the left, right, top, or bottom of the canvas to "split" the canvas view.
Important: The tool opens with the Design tab visible (located below the Screen Designer canvas for each Block Editor Tab). Likewise, there is a Code tab, which displays a read-only list of the XML code that is being generated while you use the tool. You may find the code listing helpful for verification purposes. All of your design actions will occur in the Design tab, not the Code tab. The Interactions tab will displays a read-only list of all interactions present within the given block.