Creating a matter manually lets you create a matter starting from a blank matter record.
Note: Your company may allow you to create a matter record using a wizard only, so the option to create a matter manually may not be available. See Creating a Matter Using a Wizard for more information.
1.Click the Legal tab. 2.Click New, and then click New Dispute, New Transaction, or New Advice and Counsel. The matter record opens to its General page.
3.On the General page, enter the appropriate data in the available sections, including all required fields. See the Advice and Counsel General Page Field Descriptions and Dispute and Transaction Matter General Page Field Descriptions for more information. 4.In the left pane, click the Categories link, and then add the appropriate categories to indicate the nature of the matter. You cannot save this record unless you assign it to a category. See Relating Involved Parties for more information. Important: For certain categories, new blocks of fields may appear on the General page. Click the General link in the left pane and complete these fields before you save this record.
5.If necessary, enter or edit the appropriate information on the additional matter pages listed in the left pane. See Working with Matters for more information. 6.Select a save option. The matter is saved and set to the Open phase. To change the phase, see Changing Matter Phases.
Advice and Counsel General Page Field Descriptions
The tables below contain the default fields for Advice and Counsel matters. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.
(* = required)
Current Phase
The phase that is currently assigned to this matter. See Changing Matter Phases for more information.
The name of this matter.
If you are unable to edit this field, matters of this type are named automatically.
Note: If one of the fields used in the automatic naming sequence is changed, the name of the matter may change. For example, if the Contact field is used for naming matters and you select a different contact, the matter name will change when you save the record.
If this field is editable, type a descriptive name according to your organization's standards.
Matter ID
The number assigned to this matter.
If you are unable to edit this field, matters of this type are numbered automatically.
If this field is editable, type a number according to your organization's standards.
Note: After you save the record, you may not be able to change this number.
Opened On
Date and time that the record was opened. These values are set automatically when the matter record is created.
(* = required)
Action Type
The action that was taken to resolve this matter.
Follow-up Date
The scheduled date on which the follow-up action should be taken.
*Follow-up Needed
Whether or not this matter needs follow-up action. Options: Yes or No. If you select Yes, you must enter a Follow-up Date.
Details that may pertain to this matter.
Notification Date
The date on which the notification was received.
*Notification Type
The method that was used to notify the necessary parties, such as fax, email, or phone.
Other Notification Type
A notification type not listed in the Notification Type field.
Proactive or Reactive
Whether this matter is proactive or reactive.
Requested By
The contact who requested the matter discussion. Click the search icon to locate the appropriate contact.
The category which most closely describes the type of matter being discussed.
Advice and counsel matters do not have categories. Instead, they use topics to categorize the matters. Topics do not provide the show/hide behavior to groups of fields, but they do help with categorizing and searching for matters.
Dispute and Transaction Matter General Page Field Descriptions
The table below contains the default field information for Dispute and Transaction matters. The fields that you see may vary based on your system settings and assigned rights. Field descriptions are listed in alphabetical order and may display in a different order in the application.
(* = required)
Current Phase
The current phase of the matter.
If this is a new matter, this field is blank until it is saved.
Matter Description
Describes details about the matter.
Matter Security
The name of the security group that has access to this matter.
Media Sensitive
Whether or not this matter is important to the media. Options are Yes or No. If you select Yes, it is recommended that you complete the Media Statement Prepared field.
Media Statement Prepared
Whether or not a statement has been prepared for the media. Options are Yes or No.
The name of this matter.
•If you see (Auto) displayed in the Name field, projects of this type are named automatically. Note: If one of the fields used in the automatic naming sequence is changed, the name of the project may change. For example, if the Contact field is used for naming projects and you select a different contact, the matter name will change when you save the record.
•If you do NOT see (Auto) displayed in the Name field, type a descriptive name according to your organization's standards. |
The number assigned to this matter.
•When you create a new matter, if you see (Auto) displayed in the Number field, matters of this type are numbered automatically. If you do NOT see (Auto) displayed in the Number field, type a number according to your organization's standards. Note: After you save the record, you may not be able to change this number.
Opened On
The date and time that the matter was opened. These values are set automatically when the project record is created.
Significant Matter
Whether or not this is an important matter. Options are Yes or No. If you select Yes, you must complete the Significant Reason field.
If this is a significant matter, it is also listed in your Significant Matters collection. See Managing Collections for more information.
Significant Reason
The details of why this is a significant matter. You must complete this field if you selected Yes in the Significant Matter field.
Status Summary
The current status of the selected matter.
Additional Details on the General Page
Based on the category that you select for this matter, you may see additional sections and fields on the General page. These are custom fields that may have required information that you have to complete before you can save a matter. For more information, see Setting Category Details for more information.
Outside Counsel Section
If outside counsel is defined for this Dispute matter, details are in this section. See Dispute and Transaction Matters for more information.