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A wizard provides a quick, step-by-step way to create a new matter record. The wizard prompts you to enter basic information, such as the name of the matter, people you want to assign to the matter, outside counsel billing on the matter, and budget information, and then stores the matter in the system.

Each page of the wizard may also have a Finish button, which allows you to stop the wizard and saves any information that you entered. Later, you can open the saved matter record and provide additional details and updates.

The wizards for creating matters may prompt you to do the following:

Select the appropriate matter type

Enter certain details about the matter, such as a description, important dates, and names of involved parties

Set the matter security, so that the record can be accessed by the entire legal department or only by the specified user group or the users assigned to it

Assign the matter to users and specify a role for each assignee

Select outside counsel

Create budgets for the matter

A wizard may be one of the options or the only option available to create a new matter.

Wizard Pages in the Left Pane

When you open a wizard, the sequence of steps is also listed in the left pane in the order of the steps in the wizard definition. Each page is displayed with a number and the page title. Only steps that the user already opened are displayed as links so that it is easy to return to a previous step to make changes. The page that is currently open is always highlighted. This makes it easier to view the number of steps in the wizard.

Once the matter is saved, you can add or edit information at any time. See Working with Matters for more information.