1.Click the All button. 2.Click the Appointments link under the All button. 3.Switch to your preferred calendar view, if necessary. 4.Select one of the following options: oTo create a new appointment, click New. oTo edit an existing appointment, click the appropriate appointment in your preferred calendar view. The appointment General page opens.
5.On the General page, enter or edit the general appointment information. See the Appointments General page fields table for more information. To enter date and time information for this appointment, use the Start Time and End Time fields.
6.If necessary, complete the following pages: oClick the Attendees link to select the individual users, address books, or user groups that you want to attend the appointment. See Adding Appointment Attendees for more information. oClick the Resources link to select a location or reserve equipment for the appointment. See Adding Appointment Resources for more information. 7.If necessary, use the additional appointment pages to enter or edit supplementary information, such as categories or historical information. See Appointments Calendar for more information. 8.Select a save option. An email notification is automatically sent to the attendees if their TeamConnect Preferences are set to receive email notifications. See Setting Up Email Notifications for more information.