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Identifying Parts of the Index Tool

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Details on the Global Search Index Tool home screen can be found below.

Screen Identifier


Object Name

The Object Name field lists all Objects available for Global Search. The Name in Plural field of newly created objects will show here after creating the object and refreshing the page.


The Started time displays the start time of the most recent re-indexing.


The Finished time displays the finish time of the most recent re-indexing.


The Status tab displays one of three statuses:

Indexed: The data for this object is present and indexed on the search server.

Not Indexed: This object is enabled for search but has no data on the search server. Click the check-box next to the object and click Index Selected to move data to the server.

Disabled: This object does not return results or store data on the search server. See Disabling Objects from Global Search.


The UUID is your unique identifier for global search. Reference this number in any support issues you may have.

Index Frequency (seconds)

The Index Frequency shows how often TeamConnect automatically checks for updates and modifications to existing, enabled objects and incorporates these changes into the global search. This value is set during the initial configuration.

Test connection to search server

The test connection button allows users to ensure that a link between the TeamConnect instance and search server exists.

Clean unused data from search server

Clean unused data from search server removes leftover data from the search server from objects that you have recently disabled. Any item that has been previously indexed must be cleared after being disabled. See Disabling Objects from Global Search.

Delete all search server information

The Delete all search server information button ("Drop Index") will remove search data for all objects on the search server. Objects must be re-indexed if this button is pressed for search to return any results.