The Global Search Index Tool is utilized to update Global Search after objects have been enabled or disabled and clear search server information. The indexing must be completed in full after installation for global search to function. If you have installed TeamConnect 4.1+ and do not see the index tool under the Tools subsection of the All tab, see Adding Index Tool to Tab below.
Note: Users do not need to use the index tool after making updates to an object that is already enabled. Global search will automatically incorporate these changes as per the Index Frequency time displayed on the home screen.
The Global Search Index Tool home screen can be accessed by clicking or hovering over the Tools tab from the navigation bar and selecting Global Search Index Tool from the Tools subsection.
After installation, the Global Search Index Tool may not be immediately accessible via the Tools subsection. Enabling the tool and creating the initial index can be accomplished as follows:
1.Navigate to the Groups page.
2.Click the group you would like to use the index tool.
3.Click the Tool Rights link.
4.Click the Edit button. Check the boxes for the Global Search Index Tool.
5.You may need to enable Export Design Changes and Import Design Changes to utilize the Configuration Transfer Utility (CTU). More information on the CTU can be found on the Working with Configuration Transfer Utility page.
6.Save and close.
You can now use the Global Search Index Tool. Select it from the All tab and run the initial index as described below in Indexing Objects.
In preliminary testing, indexing took roughly one hour per 4GB.
To index objects, select the check-box next to the object and click Index Selected. While the object is indexing, the Stop All Indexing and Refresh Statuses button will appear. Refresh the statuses to observe how the indexing is progressing. The index tool page will automatically refresh after all indexing is complete but not between objects. Users may also index all objects by clicking the check-box next to Object Name.
Once an item has begun to be re-indexed, the existing index will be dropped. Therefore, if you stop the re-indexing while it is still in progress, there will be no indexed search for that object. However, if you are re-indexing three objects, for example, and you stop the index midway through object two, the first object will be updated, the second will have no index, and the third object will remain indexed but not updated. Likewise, records added during indexing will be indexed after the completion of the initial indexing.
More detail can be found on the Identifying Parts of the Index Tool Screen help page.
Users upgrading Elasticsearch for TeamConnect 5.1 will need to re-index their instance after completing their upgrade.
Note: Secured or 'private' matters and objects will not be searchable. However, if these items are indexed, related unsecured records will appear in search results upon search of the matter name.