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TeamConnect Global Search Help

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Welcome to the TeamConnect® Global Search Help. This guide details TeamConnect's integration with Elasticsearch for robust, global searching of their instances. Global search will provide full-text searching of documents (including PDFs) and their contents, contacts, records, budget requests and more. Note: Global search does not, however, search users or groups, budgets, accounts, or any documents in System folders.

TeamConnect 5.0 supports Elasticsearch 1.7.4. TeamConnect 5.1 supports Elasticsearch 5.3.0. Please see the Elasticsearch installation guide for more information on configuring and installing Elasticsearch for TeamConnect.

For detail on document versioning and how versions interact with search results, please see Searching and Version Control .


For more detailed information on how Elasticsearch works, clusters and nodes, and how the global search indexing functions outside of TeamConnect, please see the Elasticsearch help found here.