The following page and subsequent installation guide section is for TeamConnect 5.2. For a copy of the TeamConnect 5.0 guide (applicable to 5.0.x releases), please download this PDF from the online help site.
Important: Users upgrading from previous versions of Elasticsearch (namely 1.7.4 to 5.3) must re-index their instances. Preliminary testing finds that it takes roughly one hour per 4GB for indexing. This number will vary based on the types of files present in the index.
For installations that will feature Search Guard, please see the Elasticsearch with Search Guard page.
The following instructions detail a RedHat installation via the Elasticsearch file. If your system is unable to perform this type of installation, please contact Mitratech Support at
1.Download the RPM file from TeamConnect is only certified against Elasticsearch 5.3.0. Later 5.3.x patches and updates will be supported. No updates outside of the 5.3.x line will be supported.
2.yum install the elasticsearch.xxxxx.rpm or rpm –Uvh elasticsearch.xxxxx.rpm
3.chkconfig –add elasticsearch to have Elasticsearch start on boot.
For the following steps, the paths listed below should be accurate to your installation. If not, find the elasticsearch/bin folder and substitute that path in the directions below.
1.Run the following command from the root Elasticsearch directory:
bin\elasticsearch-plugin install mapper-attachments
This plug-in provides the 'attachment' field type to Elasticsearch, thereby allowing it to index to content of documents like PDF files and Microsoft Word files.
2.Configure properties as detailed in Elasticsearch Configuration.
3.Start elasticsearch with: /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start after configuration is set.