Users with Global Search enabled are able to search on both indexed documents, their metadata, and the contents of their attachments. Documents present on the TeamConnect instance but not indexed will not deliver full-text search capabilities. Note: For more information on indexing, see Global Search Index Tool Help.
When using Global Search, supported attachments that have matching metadata keywords or matching content will be returned. The following attachment extensions are supported:
•Email files (.eml, .msg)
•Microsoft Office File Formats (.xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .pptx, .one, .pub, .mdb)
Documents and File Size
Admins are able to configure the maximum size for documents to be indexed as well as searched. If a document that exceeds the preset value (e.g., a 100MB document with a 50MB maximum size limit), full-text searching will not be available. However, the document keywords and metadata will still return results (e.g., document title, author, etc.).
If documents are indexed in a batch and only one exceeds the maximum value, all documents within the size parameters will be uploaded and the larger file will not. There will not be an error message on the screen; however, users with logging turned on will be able to see the failed document in their logs.