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Viewing or Editing General Information of a Document

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Use the Document General page to view information about a document, including the author of the document, when the document was last checked out and back in, when it was created and modified, and the file type and size. If necessary, you can change the name of the document, the author of the document, and the date the document was authored.

Custom Details

This page may also contain a Details section that displays custom fields that appear or disappear based on the selections you make on the Documents Categories page. See Adding and Removing Document Categories for more information.

Document General Page Field Descriptions

The tables below contain the default sections and fields. The information that you see may vary based on your company policies and access rights. The fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Notes Section

Notes that apply to the selected document.

Details Section (optional)

The information in this section varies depending on the selections you make on the Categories page. If there are no custom fields associated with the assigned categories, or if you do not have rights to view custom fields, this section does not appear.

See Adding and Removing Document Categories for more information.