Navigation: TeamConnect Setup and Development > Enterprise Customization Help > Creating Home Pages and Portal Panes > Customization Guidelines > Modifying Master Home Pages Creating Portal Panes from a Master Home Page |
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1.In the Go to drop-down list, select Home Pages. 2.On the Home Pages screen, select the home page to which you want to add a portal pane. 3.Click the Content tab, and then click new. A title bar of the new portal pane appears in the open home page. 4.Click Save at the top of the Home Page screen. If you attempt to edit your new portal pane before you save your modified home page, a message appears, which prompts you to do so. 5.Click edit on the title bar of the new portal pane. The Portal Pane screen appears. 6.Enter appropriate portal pane settings as described in the Portal Pane Settings table. Tip: Do not select the Editable by user check-box until your new portal pane is finalized and exactly was you want it. 7.Select the Number of entries you would like to add from the drop-down list, based on how many additional content items you want to add to the portal panes. 8.For each data entry row, do the following actions: a.Select the Content Type from the drop-down list. b.Fill in the fields that display beneath the Content column. For details about each field, see the appropriate content type in the Portal Pane Contents section: ▪For action link content types, see the Portal Pane Content of Type Action Link table. ▪For object link content types, see the Portal Pane Content of Type Object Link table. ▪For search view content types, see the Portal Pane Content of Type Search View table. ▪For text content types, see the Portal Pane Content of Type Text table. ▪For web URL content types, see the Portal Pane Content of Type Web URL table. ▪For custom content types, see the Custom Portal Pane Content table. ▪For WebIntelligence content types, the Portal Pane Content of Type WebIntelligence URL table. Tip: Do not create a portal pane with too much content. Instead, split the content into multiple portal panes. c.Type the Order. d.Select the Alignment from the drop-down list. 9.Click add more to add more content, or click Save if you are finished. Important: You must save all your changes to the master home page BEFORE you synchronize settings or content. 10.Click the Synchronize Content hyperlink. A message to confirm that you want to synchronize the master home page with user's copies of this home page appears. 11.Click OK. 12.Click the Synchronize Settings hyperlink. A message to confirm that you want to synchronize the master home page with user's copies of this home page appears. 13.Click OK. The newly created portal pane is saved and added to the displayed home page. |