Show/Hide Toolbars

Global Navigation determines which tabs appear in the TeamConnect tab bar and which navigation items appear in the sub-tabs when you click on a tab. By making changes in the Global Navigation screen, you may reorganize existing navigation items. Navigation items link to these kinds of pages:

System objects

Custom objects

Custom tools

Special collections related to workflow

Home pages

When you use Global Navigation to alter the appearance or organization of the tab bar, your changes take effect for each user upon logging in. For you to see your own changes in the end-user interface, you must log out and log back in.

Note: You cannot alter the appearance and contents of some tabs (Admin, All Services). TeamConnect controls the contents and positions of these tabs automatically.

You can reach the Global Navigation portion of the Designer by clicking the Setup link in the main user interface, then choosing Global Navigation from the Go To dropdown list in Designer. Your user group must have Setup rights in order to see the Setup link.