Whether you are adding portal panes to a user's home page or editing portal panes that already exist in a user's home page remember the following:
•The user is unable to view the portal panes that you add until after they refresh their screen.
•Portal panes that you remove are still viewable by the user until after they refresh their screen.
•Changes made to a portal pane from the Portal Panes tab of the Home Page screen will take effect only for that specific portal pane within that specific home page. Other portal panes are not affected.
•When making changes to a portal pane template that already exists as a copy on a user's home page, the changes you make do not take effect until you synchronize the content and settings. For details, see When Changes Take Effect.
•If you change a portal pane that a user has previously customized, the user's changes take precedence. To learn more about solution developer and user customization, see Modifying Home Pages and Portal Panes.
After you save this new portal pane, you cannot reuse it. The portal pane that you created is only intended for this master home page and is not listed on the Portal Panes screen.