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Users can customize editable home pages and portal panes to which they have access. When you create new home pages and portal panes from the Designer interface, you can set various edit options so that users can customize particular home pages and portal panes to meet their own needs. For details about all home page and portal pane edit options, see Modifying Home Pages and Portal Panes.

New home pages, which you create by selecting Home Pages from the Go to drop-down list, are master home pages. When users customize their home page, they are actually modifying a copy of the master home page.

The same concept holds true for portal panes. When you create a new portal pane by selecting Portal Panes from the Go to drop-down list, you create a template. Users who are granted the ability, can modify copies of that portal pane template.

For details about creating and adding home pages and portal panes, see the following sections:

About Master Home Pages and Portal Pane Templates

Modifying Home Pages and Portal Panes

Creating Home Pages

Creating Portal Panes

Adding Portal Panes to Home Pages