Enter a label (maximum 250 characters) for the search view results that appear within the user's portal pane.
Tip: Use the search view name.
Unique Key
Enter an alphanumeric combination to uniquely identify the portal pane content. After you save the settings, you can edit this field only if it is blank.
The unique key cannot contain spaces, underscores, punctuation, or any special characters and cannot exceed 50 characters in length.
This is an optional field.
Object Type
Select the type of records for which you would like the user to search from their portal pane.
If you select Project, the Custom Object drop-down list appears.
Custom Object
Select the specific custom object definition for whose records you would like the user to search.
Search View
Select the search view to display in the user's portal pane.
This drop-down list includes only search views for the selected object which are specifically set to be available in home pages. For more details, see Creating Search Views for Home Pages.
View Type
Specify how the results of the search view appear in the user's portal pane by selecting either:
•Tabular view—Search results appear in a table format, like the Results tab of a search screen. •Drop-down list—Search results appear in a drop-down list. Note: In the present version of TeamConnect, regardless of which choice you specify, the tabular view will be used.
Max Search Results
Enter the maximum number of search results that you want returned to the portal pane. If the search finds more results than the maximum number that you allot, a More link appears in the user's portal pane on which they can click to view the additional results.
Caution: It is recommended that the Maximum Search Results not exceed 1000. Specifying a larger number may affect performance.
Enter an integer to indicate the display order of the search view within the portal pane. If a portal pane contains more than one content item, they will be displayed in the order specified in this field, lowest number first.
Note: Items with the same display order are sorted and displayed alphabetically.
Select either Left, Center, or Right, to position the search view accordingly within the portal pane.